Friday, January 13, 2012

"It's The Thought That Counts"

We have all heard this saying "It's The Thought That Counts", and likely we heard it when someone nearby was attempting to lessen the sting of an unplanned disappointment. Usually an gesture to please another, to follow-through with an inspired gift, or good intention that was met with less than expected joy. The idea is that in that moment we needed to hear some form of reassurance from another who witnessed this disappointment or who would have been the recipient, the reminder is that it was the THOUGHT behind the action that deserves positive acknowledgment. Nevertheless, this experience becomes an opportunity to heal from where we create expectation. This helps us to measure how to manage our effort in the future. Thoughts DO count! Becoming aware of where we create from, is part of the journey towards our personal enlightenment.

When I am reading tarot cards, or providing a Professional Clairvoyant Reading / Healings, I tell everyone that the future simply has NOT happened yet. Therefore the future can only be a potential and the moment is NOW to -consciously- create the future you truly desire to create or manifest. With more direct (conscious) intention, we develop the wherewithal to be more specific. The problem is that we have trouble putting the past in proper perspective. The past is important to be able to remember in order to be able to PREVENT making the same mistakes, the life lessons that refine our experience of 'Spiritual Self-Esteem'. Yet, we tend to go too far and allow what happened in the past to 'set a precedent' (impose belief limitations) for what can happen in the future. This is where we get into trouble! We learn from the past to 'recreate' the future that is in affinity with our 'authentic intention.'

Our thoughts have an energy frequency and when our emotions-- consciously or unconsciously-- are in the mix, are driving our thoughts. It is the energy of these emotions that creates in the future. It is the 'intention' behind your thoughts that carry through to others or into your own unfolding reality. Every moment is a new opportunity to create. So, if you are consciously residing in the past all of the time, then you will keep recreating the past!

The idea is learn to break from the energy of the previous days or situations, in a way that brings your sense of 'now' into the present. We tend to stick to the past because it seems safer, or easier, or familiar. We mistakenly use the past as a frame of reference for what can happen in the future, then we are surprised when the past repeats itself. Yet, we are confronted when change asserts itself too. Usually something deeper within or unconsciously, has decided to allow change in order to resolve boredom. These unconscious thoughts are the ones that can manifest unwanted crisis, or even self-sabotage.

We can embrace change and in so doing, we allow the 'Universe' to manifest what we truly desire within our hearts to come forth. How do we do this? We have to let go of our attachments to what is familiar for the sake of it being familiar even if it means letting go of toxic relationships, situations that inhibit or block you from creating the life you truly desire.

Your thoughts are pieces of you that you can send on missions that can come from a positive intention or a negative space. The idea is to promote from your heart what feels right and if your heart is confused, or you don't know what you need, that is where I can help by looking over the energies as they are around you, either using tarot cards or clairvoyant readings. Any means of Divining is a means to discover what your subconscious is doing, in essence, when 'you' are not looking.

Meditation is an EXCELLENT way to become aware of your unconscious self while learning to develop a 'centered' relationship with your 'soul' or your energetic self. The form of meditation that I teach is delivered through a guided series where I reach you the simple tools to heal your life. This meditation when practiced, becomes a normal reference to recognize 'where your energy is' and how to 'call it back into the present' through little or no effort.

You can find me easily on Facebook, or respond to my email or to this blog.

Wishing you the best in a  powerful New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. It's a great time to remember that our thoughts at all times are creating our future. Thank you for sharing.

    Love & Light ~
