Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The (Guaranteed) Shift, a Sobering Truth

For a millennium, the confluence of western religions has shut down the most vital aspects of energetic self-awareness, the ability to go within without needing external permissions from a male dominated (misogynistic) driven culture where his-story systematically excludes (and programs future generations) while depreciating her-story. This has caused a malignant antipathy that can and will destroy all Life, as we know it on this planet if we allow this form of male domination lead. We (humanity) are systematically destroying the planet. Why? Because, we all have been sold on the ‘benefits that come with convenience.’  Modern-day marketing specialists as well as ivy league psychologists all of the back through his-story to noted religious leaders, popes and royalty, knew that by creating ‘convenience’ leveraged with severe manufactured fear-based consequences, leads society into a chronic state of apathy when there are no healthful counter balances that allows us to develop any (true) meaning as to why we exist, therefore we submit fearing severe consequences in the afterlife. 

We have become addicted to food, drugs, medications / pharmaceuticals, toxic TV, petro-products and on, in an attempt to distance ourselves from believing that we are powerful unto OURSELVES. To be responsible is to be response-abled. Thus how we have been managing society has become a fractured power struggle rather than a shared collective intrigue that envisions a healthy co-existence with our own living (loving) planet and all of its precious biodiversity.

Whole portions of the Bible / other holy scriptures are intended to serve as guidelines have where significant (and balancing) perspectives are missing, because they were intentionally edited (manipulated) to convenience the few that assigned themselves the role of regulating society and the future. Therefore our sense of personal power as spirits with bodies is grossly underdeveloped through lacking awareness of what is within, resting dormant. Their (past time religious/political leaders) selfish motives and the consequences are playing out now as an unbalanced toxic culture where denial is the only form of defense for those who would take us backwards in time! As a result, we have become a culture of cross-addicted mindless automatons that live to eat, to consume oil, to mindlessly discard away plastics and other toxins, to allow masses of other people to starve while we are eating a Big Mac in our oil guzzling SUV's while smoking a cigarettes. (Using broad strokes here..)

While the above seems so grim, so heavy in its density in realizing humanity’s current scoreboard, there is room for hope. Some of us are beginning to make the needed choices to redirect energy, by choosing healthful lifestyles, becoming conscious of what is in our food and including where it comes from, making time for prayer and meditation, becoming conscious in many new ways. BUT what we must do is learn to recognize and commit wholeheartedly towards letting go of our addictions, to see through conspiracy. Conspiracy only engages the ideology that ‘we are in agreement to give power to others’ who are unseen or in fact, clearly seen. Instead, we can reinvest this very same energy into actions that TAKE BACK POWER, giving energy only to that which creates and does not dilute and destroy personal power. 

The powers-that-be are quickly losing cohesion. This is why we are witnessing so many infrastructures failing. This is the beginning of ‘The Shift.’ This is our chance to take back what was hidden, stolen and manipulated. Complete knowledge of our energetic anatomy that parallels our physiology. When we can own our 'selves', we can develop healthy and functional boundaries, we do not need to or see the need control others.

The major global banks are failing because literally we cannot afford to continue as we have, for so long with virtual ledgers that will never balance. Our physical bodies are showing the consequences of man-made products installed into our foods and toxic insoluble byproducts deliberately dumped and seeping into our ecosystems. We have reached 'critical mass'. Everyday new shocking numbers of disorders, cancers, autism and virulent deadly bacterias are destroying everything we hold so dear- life and purpose, witnessing God’s beauty (as in the God of your heart), and being able to distinguish and know what is real and what is not.

We as a species on this planet cannot continue to be so highly addicted to things that cannot be reclaimed into the planets ecosystem through natural (normal) assimilation. If we do not comply, we will be destroyed before the planet allows itself to be destroyed. 

Next Installment: Hope, Light, and what we must do together to engage Her-story, so that Our-story can be realized.