Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Collective Consciousness is Becoming Self-Aware

When we as a collective consciousness learn to access our heart-space as a fundamental aspect of our shared well being, and this is accepted as a normal thing to do, those who would harm in order to empower will grow to fewer and their hate-filled mantra futile. Love is a normal vibration of Earth and when the collective mind develops confidence in tapping into this this energy, miracles will lead and lower vibrational intentions will lose their power.

As the global collective consciousness continues to become more self-aware, 'WE' are realizing that there are energy levels associated to certain actions that no longer serve the greater good. For instance, the energy of 'blame' only serves to keep us in past-time victim reality. The energy of futility or resignation entraps us in our own misery, or to walk with guilt over something that has happened years ago, or even generations ago, restricts our ability to actualize the lessons from past mistakes and reestablish balance in living life in a loving and purposeful way.

The above-mentioned energies are about how 'we' as a collective consciousness are growing to understand how 'we' influence each other through vibration. As we grow more accustomed to energetic self-awareness, we develop the ability to transcend limitations using the 'collective heart.' As ‘we’ become more confident, it is becoming more common to hear someone say "I'm sending you energy" or, "I am praying for you" or, "I'll hold a good thought for you today." We know on some level that our intention is a frequency that creates reality, is an energy that attracts, magnetizes and by virtue of a loving intention, heals.

What we are witnessing now, especially in the United States during our government shutdown, is the process of becoming ‘collectively self-aware’ in the political arena. Politics are meant to focus a philosophy in governing while managing human needs from the most rudimentary level to the larger more complex levels as it relates to our presence on Earth as a whole. Concurrent with this is a growing awareness of mental illness that is born of broken religion, or lopsided dogma that has only managed to create broken connections to the heart center. In the wake of broken self-awareness, emerges lower frequencies that are fear-based thinking, warped perceptions of hateful spirituality and even justification for committing genocide. Removing human rights and enslaving populations economically, physically and emotionally, simply are no longer tolerable because it is not in affinity with the powerful vibration this planet.

In what appears to be extremely difficult times, ‘we’ have an awesome opportunity. We can choose to acknowledge our anger and disappointment and then channel that energy into other emotions and catalyze frequencies that would heal instead of destruct. To heal your 'self' from feeling weakened by the chronic diet of bad news, or the heated posturing that only serves to polarize and intensify the experience of fear, fueling the worst case 'what-if' scenarios is becoming the way of the past. It is in this moment where we can go into our own interiors (hearts) and access our ‘Collective Heart.’ When we access Our Heart, we have the ability to transcend all limitations when we invoke the power within it, and embrace faith. Remember FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real, where the energy that dissolves FAITH is ‘Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing. Fear repels and detracts energy, where faith attracts and integrates energy, creating a grid that dissolves blocked energy and allows Love to manifest miracles. It has been done, it can be done and it will be done. See you at 9 your time, meeting in Our Heart-space. ~Namaste

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