Thursday, November 10, 2011

Eleven-Eleven-Eleven! Now What?!

Have you ever wondered where evolution is taking us? Not just humans, but all life on Earth? If indeed, we humans are meant to be 'here' are we supposed to be caught up in an insulated artificial realm where technology tells us the time, where computers to the heavy-lifting when it comes time to use our minds are we giving up on our awesome intelligence? In other words, are we losing our evolutionary edge by giving over our thought processes to electronics to the point where everyone is assumed to have a 'smart phone' that manages our time and places us in continuous 'GPS awareness' by literal location and in perpetual contact so we can intentionally ignore each other?!

All of this new awareness and gadgetitis is profoundly affecting how we perceive, how we interact with each other and separates us emotionally and organically from our natural environment and thus leaving us severed from our normal understanding and relationship to Earth and our meant-to-be symbiotic relationship with our planet. We (in general) are losing our ability to empathize with the living life forms around us to the extent where we can wipe out whole species without a consideration to the loss it is to our biodiversified wealth of resources, not yet fully understood for what they are meant to be in their own evolutionary brilliance.

It is my own perception (and hope) that 'with time' we will let go of all of this excess technology and in it's place our own intuition and (atrophied) 'secondary senses' such as clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience will become naturally occurring and thus, the need to have a fully charged cell phone, or even 'twitter account' will fade in to the past. Just as phones with cords and giant bulky computers and boxy TV's become a thing of the past. I am thinking this trend of having reclaimed and developed 'extra-senses' will be more obvious in another 10 or 20 years.

Right now, the date 11-11-11 is the official ending and new beginning of the New Millennium in context of time in how humans define it in linear terms AND forms a conjunction with circadian rhythm (non-linear time as it is relevant to Earth and her relationship to the Universe.) Remember that humans created linear time to help keep track of where have been and to allow us to sense which way is forward.

In the practice of Numerology, numbers are assigned a meaning based on their vibrational influence in our lives and psyches. Within this practice of adding and reducing numbers to their meaning, there are three Master Numbers, these are 11, 22 and 33.

The Master Number 11 is considered to carry vibrational properties that have to do with being intuitive, allowing secrets of the underworld to surface, that is, subconscious becoming accessible where we can tap into the idea that all life forms have spirits. Humans are spirits in bodies and our spirits are in fact, pure energy. As spirits we can fluidly navigate in linear AND circadian rhythms without more than a focused intention. There are Laws of Physics where these laws are undergoing an overhaul to include how Quantum-flux is opening doors of dimensional perception never thought possible until NOW.

We (humans) have arrived at the apex where we are freed to claim that which was forgotten a millennium ago. We are -collectively- reclaiming 'collective self-awareness' as a shared consciousness. We send impulses through our feelings and emotions. Emotions are our energy in-motion. These energies are being organized through our social networks and the Internet is a means through which we can tap into each other. These are the means through which we will eventually discard hand-held technologies and simply direct a thought to another and it will be received and understood as a though that came from someone else. This is already beginning to happen!

No one (that I know of) has developed a way for children to retain their natural intuitive abilities into adulthood. In primary school and into adult life, reading, writing and arithmetic are emphasized but NOTHING that gives us conscious access to our own (God-given) psychic abilities. Our 6th sense should NOT be an esoteric thing where only a few 'have the gift.' We ALL have it in varying degrees and if it was supported from the time we are young and in touch with these abilities we would not have needed to go to such technological extremes to be in communication with each other and separate us from our natural environment.

The date 11-11-11 is a significator to humanity, to impulse the Collective Mind that a new awareness is to descend into our shared collective consciousness. With time this new information will distill into new ways to perceive and integrate how we see and relate to ourselves.

This special date IS an awakening. It is about a higher vibration coming into our consciousness and it is about letting the past become the past. It is about allowing us to embrace the present moment and allow ourselves as humans to reconnect with the Life Force that is Earth and, to regain a normal organic connection to our home where respect for all other life forms are protected and not destroyed.

Receive your blessings as an organic living being that is part of huge living force that is all levels and forms of intelligence. When you can stop and witness how awesome Earth is in all Her beauty and complexity, you have evolved. It is so simple to 'be' when you allow it.

Peace & Light,


Saturday, July 9, 2011

WHY Do We Bother?

It has been my life work of choice to be a teacher of meditation, a clairvoyant healer, a spiritual counselor which is an amalgamation of my earlier employment as a corporate customer service soothe-sayer, a crisis intervention counselor, problem solver, and a nurse (way back in the early 1980's.) As the years went by, I realized that I was enduring some sort of 'Divine irritation' yet, at that time I had no idea what 'Divine irritation' meant let alone what it was and how powerful of a force that it is as it shapes your soul from the unconscious realm.

This irritation took form in a growing anger through witnessing how corporations treat their own employees and how 'people' (humans) that are called 'managers' will distort policies in attempt to protect their (power hungry) agendas for the needs of 'the business'. All the while, disconnecting from any common sense as it relates to (any) authentic service intended to be provided in the 'spirit of making good delivery' of assorted products and services.

Unchecked corporate greed is what is destroying our planet, our only true home, in pursuit of profitable gains, raising the bar each fiscal year competing against their own self-established profit margins, without regard to environmental consequences.

I still have this very clear memory of my being in my late 20's, sitting in my 5 x 5 1/2 foot cubicle (I actually measured it in a slower moment) among 50 or so other cubicles (we called them veal fattening pens) on the 13th floor at Charles Schwab headquarters, where in between the rapid fire of in-coming customer service calls, I was trying to decide whether or not if I believed in God or any form of spirituality. I remember contemplating this from a safe distance in a very left-brained intellectual-thinking space, where any past programming around religion was safely held at bay. Years later, I realized that this was due to deeply buried unconscious RAGE about the misdirection of TRUE spirituality and the (midieval to present) politics corrupting our (western) relationship to 'self' as spirit.

WHY DO WE BOTHER? We (collectively) are discovering that we need to do something about our ever-metastasizing carbon footprint on this planet, a sentient living organism. We are slowly waking up to the fact that we need to take urgent action to save ourselves from ourselves. Yet, we are beginning to wake up to the fact that we MUST realign our spirits to the planet as symbiotic organisms that are naturally occurring to Earth rather than perpetuating this disjointed concept that we are only loved by God if we go through all of these strange ideas of how to be Loved. Our neurosis manifests as an out of control train heading for a tangled collision of fear and uncertainty leading to disease and toxic thinking.

Traditional western religion has us buying into this fear-based distorted idea that God would chose to hurt you, or stop loving you for a randomized list of irrational fear-based reasons. This is an antiquated concept to gain cooperation during our lesser evolved tribal stages, to be less murderous and defensive in protecting our territories. Ironically through the past millennium we morphed this into other bizarre ideas of being seen as righteous and acceptable in the eyes of God. All the while the ''better known judeo-christian faiths" manipulated us (western culture) into large scale wars in the name of fighting evil. Yet we easily overlook how wars are about deliberately strategized profit and gain of taking territories and material assets. More recently, oil.

I do realize that I am taking huge broad swipes at the face of judeo-christian faiths, however my intention is  to connect how patriarchal spiritual belief structures are only doing harm by totally dismissing the value of the spiritual side of matriarchal power and Her ability to  heal that which is malformed or not fully understood, through deploying balance and compassion in making a conscious choice to choose love over fear.

To embrace our unique spiritual anatomy as it is without the over-flavorings of religion (the politics of God) and instead, to tune into our soul (the essence of the God of your authentic heart) is the most natural way to locate the spirit within as it resides, as you.

I invite you to embrace a meditation, whether it be through the class that I offer or through other sources that call to you, engaging your core common sense, your blissful heart, your connection to this world, as it is our Living Home.

If you are interested in trying out an easy and relaxing meditation class, feel free to attend a 1 1/2 hour session of a seven week series, where I teach you how to clear blocks, address your busy mind so you can get centered and feel truly empowered.

Tuesday, July 12th, 6:30 -8'ish
435 Mojo Health Bar
South Portland, ME

~Peace & Light,
Jackie Major

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Energy-Update: What ARE Hugs? [[[[HUGS!]]]

Honestly, do you like being hugged? Have you ever been hugged and felt as though              

you just got slimed? Or better, walk away feeling slightly disoriented and in need of a shower? As a child I recall the 'obligatory aunt-uncle or elder friend of the family hug'... ick! (And usually it came with those awful cheek pinches) Less it be for me to say, I did not grow up in a touchy-feely family. We hugged only when necessary. (Usually after an injury bordering on the serious side like a bike wipe-out.) I am not sure why this is so, perhaps the combined military-stoicism passed on through male-patriarchal influences? The Irish immigrant stoicism where emotions were secondary to survival? I know that my mother was not eager to hug but I knew she loved me. She had other ways to convey her affection..  her actions, deeds and then her cooking. 

But, overtime I have learned that hugs can actually heal when properly given. When you hug it must come from the 'authentic' heart. AND just what does this mean??  We are energy before we are mass / physical bodies. Holding this premise in mind, we are capable of doing a lot with our energy when we learn to focus it through conscious intention. The first REAL hug that I was aware of came from a spiritual teacher who allowed me to experience a slime-free hug for the first time. It was the most amazing experience. As I was being hugged my trigger response was to immediately pull away yet without being rude. AWKWARD. Then as I relaxed, I felt warmth literally coming from her heart into mine and it was not at all invasive. Because I had already developed a trust-bond with her as a healer, I was freed to 'allow' this energy into my space. As her energy co-mingled with mine, I was able to feel that her intention came from a genuine place to offer loving energy without an agenda. I recall thinking how clean her energy felt.

What are these agendas? They can be confusing, as love in itself can be confusing when it is chalk-full-of unconscious issues, needs, unresolved pain in the past.. Sometimes when people hug they can take your energy and leave you feeling drained. Most often this is not a conscious intention, in as much a result of unconscious awareness around how our energy transfers to another.

As you already know there is conditional love and unconditional love. We all know that the way to go is with unconditional love. But really what is unconditional love and how often do we stop and consider this aspect of love? We all want it, but ironically we all seem to lost when needing to conjure it up. (Generally speaking) Grandma and grandpa hugs can be close to the unconditional brand of hugs because by the time you are old enough to be a grandparent, you have had time to sort out what is real and what is not. Plus grandparents tend to be less attached to agendas.. but I know this is not always true either.

YET when we move our consciousness intention to a space / desire to hug and give energy to another, and the energy is about giving love unconditionally, this is a hug that comes from an enlightenedspace. Enlightenment is available to EVERYONE by the way, not just for a few select self-appointed gurus. 

We all have an energetic anatomy and as I have written in previous blogs, our western culture sorely neglects educating our society about how our spirit energy can be healed through love, through ernest good intentions, through gestures of kindness. Some religions are good about being a proper custodian to spiritual love and then some, have ruined love through establishing agendas over who deserves love versus who doesn't. Remembering a quote from an established spiritual leader "Religion are the politics of God, wherein spirituality is the essence of God." When we consider this perspective, we are liberated to reconsider how we allow love into our lives and how we can invite it more often into our reality, when we choose awareness around being loving towards ourselves and then towards others. If we allow love to take form within, then when we give it to other, we are in affinity with love and its ceaseless transmutable and ever-giving powers.

Committing spontaneous acts of kindness works so well because it is us / you choosing to do something without spending a lot of time thinking about it first, and thus we get out of our own way when we allow our inspiration to lead. In kind when hugs are given from a genuine space of wanting the other person to feel comforted / healed, it is an energy exchange that originates from the heart.  This is how miracles can take place, this is when we see spontaneous healing.

So, the next time you give a hug, take 2 seconds to orient your intention. Are you coming from a place of giving, are you dumping pent-up negative energy or, are you allowing yourself to simply give something from the heart, knowing that by opening this channel, something wonderful will come back to you?

If you want to engage in your own personal social experiment offer a few more hugs this year, and notice where you are coming from and see how you feel when you are coming from a purer intention to give love unconditionally. Watch the energy reciprocate in your life and witness the difference when you 'allow' your intention to be that of unconditional love. It might take some practice. BUT please, don't give those 'ambush hugs' ...nobody really like those. 

For more info about learning about 'Aura Hygiene' please visit my class info description at Portland Adult Ed's Meditation Step One' at this link: