Sunday, August 4, 2013

Evolution of a Soul

This is a 'channel' (Divine flow of information) that came through while contemplating a deeper concern about deep soul healing for years. To understand what 'ego' is for and how to locate a connection to spirit when ego has sabotaged faith and trust in Higher vision and faith. Through the graces of a Higher Source, I have distilled this blog. I will deepen my own healing as a result of this potent and powerful information. May this information heal you in any way that is best served as well. ~Namaste, Jackie

"Part of the journey of soul evolution is to be immersed into ego where ego can only manifest while in the 3rd dimension. As the soul evolves from out of the ego-place, the density of ego softens as concepts are gained and spiritual awakening occurs. As the soul moves deeper into embracing the higher vibrations or frequencies of spiritual existence, subconscious ego will create challenges as the energy-field of ego becomes less and less engaged." (Non-attachment.)

"By virtue of the 'Laws of Attraction', we (evolving souls) will attract people and situations to help us form a deepening understanding of what it is that we are separating from, thus enabling us to engage and actualize the newer spiritual principles that we are choosing in order to progress our spiritual enlightenment." 

"Those who would present an ultimate challenge, reflect the energy that we are healing within ourselves. The externalized circumstances, the challenge, is amplified in an extreme or exaggerated way so that we
-cannot- ignore it. The source (the person/situation) often are unconscious of their impact on you because they clearly are not on the same evolutionary path at the -same rate- you are evolving. These experiences are challenging you on many levels at once, so as to help you develop the muscles to 'intentionally raise your vibration on more than one frequency at a time'."

"When our soul chooses a higher vibration and engages in a spiritual mission, our ego helps us to forget this so that we do not get in our own way. By directly engaging in ego, we (subconsciously) create a paradox to force your spirit to access information -through- the denser ego field/vibration- so as to 'birth' the awareness experience as being a
new awareness, giving deeper understanding of the souls evolution by an actual experience of 'unfoldment'." 

"This process is how we (humans) enlighten, our Higher Self (or the God of your heart) sends pieces of itself away on 'missions' (lifetimes) and these pieces when birthed into the physical plane (into a body) forgets all that it is so that it can relearn through a tactile-physical experience of what it already knows but in a new way. Ego in the 3-D plane blocks memory so that you can learn what you forgot and integrate memories experienced physically through emotional responses. Fear, anxiety, stress are all physical experiences that distract you intensely so you can gain a fuller, deeper, awareness of what it is that you already know on a higher frequency. When you enlighten, you integrate what was subconscious into consciousness and then you can see this whole process in its entirety and then, actualize enlightenment, thus raising your vibration."

"Energetic principles that move energy from past time to present time, such as choosing forgiveness while developing
healthy boundaries, transmuting anger into love, fear into faith, are the earmarks of soul evolution as you recall a larger percentage of yourself from past-time into present time. Naturally occurring certainty, confidence and serenity are the result of integrating these concepts."

With deep gratitude,
