What does it mean to pray or to meditate? What does it do for / to our 'selves' when we -make- time to pray or meditate? Simply, it focuses our individual 'intentions' towards the life we are living, extending love, compassion and a vision of being healed to our friends and families, our communities, our country, our world, and all that is life on Earth. It is an exercise in 'F.A.I.T.H.', Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing'.
Prayers come from our heart-space when we aren't attached to agendas rooted in fear, anger or a need to control. Any intention from the heart that is authentic, pure in it's vibration, carries a potent wavelength that nothing can corrupt. When we let go of attachment to specific outcomes, we surrender that which we cannot control to a Higher Self or Power (Intelligence), that will bless you with your desires and beyond. Have you ever wished for something and forgot about it, and then it manifests and it is even better than what you asked for or desired? Chances are that you have had this experience more than once in your life.
Miracles are born of authentic intention freed from the attachment of 'how'. To pray is to tell the 'god of your heart' what it is that you desire to be healed, resolved, surrendered, forgiven. To meditate is to listen to what you / the god of your heart wants to transmit to your conscious awareness. To meditate is to allow your inner self to communicate with the 'you that is busy with external life'. Prayer and meditation quiets the mind and soothes the soul. Prayer is for talking to the god of your heart, your intention towards the Universe, and meditation is for listening, integrating, allowing mindfulness in the present moment. When you are in the present moment, you are at your most powerful.
Allow your 'self' to have a healing. To have a quiet moment (or two or three) to just be. Meditation can be had in so many forms, doing art, playing or listening to music, folding laundry, washing dishes, road trips. Being still is how your body and being have a chance to catch up to one another and to allow and create space for subtle healing that transcends our ego-limitations..
Pray for your 'self' to become stronger in having faith, developing a spiritual vocabulary that when used, shifts your frequency so that the energy around you becomes positive towards your world vision.
5 minutes a day to stop and give pause to add energy to a vision of a healed and peaceful planet. It can be done, don't let the news leave you feeling disempowered. Now is not the time to be fearful, but courageous!