Our culture is geared to place our attention outside of ourselves, thus we have an atrophied connection to our innermost self and how to deliberately work with our energetic field. EVERYTHING happens on an energetic level before it manifests in our physical reality. "Where thoughts go, energy goes." We forget that we are spirits that manifest through our bodies. There is this amazing spiritual anatomy to work with, and when we learn about this, we are freed to shift and direct our energies in awesome ways.
What IS an aura? Why is it important? The aura is an energy field created by the difference in vibration between spirit and body. Like energy attracts like. We create and attract according to the predominant energy in our space. You CAN learn tools to deliberately transform your energy and create the life that you desire. But how? Western religion has dissolved this capability leaving us vulnerable to the whims of a misguided patriarchal religious structure that encourages hate and judgement all in the name of Christ and/or other women-hating religions. We have been separated from our innate connection to the Feminine and vital force in healing our symbiotic relationship with Earth, our natural organic connection to life force. We have been alienated from our own intuitive instincts that balance ourselves as spirits in physical bodies living on Earth.
I have been doing readings / healings as a practice for 24 years and what I have found is, getting a reading / healing it is the quickest way to get to the information that can be source towards areas in life where we are stuck, or feeling lack. Maybe even for years.
When you know how your energy is influencing your current behavior, decisions and lifestyles, you gain a clearer understanding of what is motivating you. You CAN shift attitudes, make decisions from greater clarity and live more in the present. This is why I LOVE my work. I take deep satisfaction in seeing you gain clarity and power in your life and being enabled in taking it into new directions that represent your innermost desires.

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