As seen in recent weeks in the United States, longer term distress in Syria, and seemingly never ending turmoil in parts of Africa, we grow accustomed to believing in the idea of the possibility of unexpected turmoil erupting anywhere at any time. Environmental horror stories such as what we are seeing in Alabama, Japan, and I am sure in many other places globally, it appears the human world in a state of chaos, creating a collective unspoken feeling of stress and generalized experience of being 'dis-at-ease'.
The point is this; we have more power in these situations than we 'allow ourselves to believe'. I say it this way because human consciousness IS evolving where thoughts have an evermore rapid influence in how events impact the creation of shared reality. As we evolve and understand how the energy of our thoughts influence world events, we can begin to heal on a large scale with little burden-- to any-single-individual. The key is to understand how taking responsibility without taking on ALL of the world problems. As paradoxical as it sounds, if we Truly did the latter, we'd all feel overwhelmed and completely stressed out!
WHAT WE CAN DO is take care of our own lives and become more aware of how we interface with our own interpersonal and echo-environments. When take on responsibility, we are socialized to automatically take care of everyone else first before ourselves individually from an ungrounded and often unconscious place of triage, an old paradigm invented in an attempt to prevent people from becoming self-centered or self-absorbed. Yet there is a need though, to attend to ones own interior so that when you direct intentions towards others, you are doing this from a conscious and self-enlightened space of positive self-awareness. THIS MEANS that when you tend to your own vessel first, you are coming from a place of integrity, personal compassion and not from a fear space of worst-case scenario reaction to fear.
There is a saying (paraphrased) that says "An empty vessel cannot fill anyones cup." The concept is that you cannot 'authentically offer assistance to another' without an awareness from where it is coming. This is to say, if you are offering scatter-shot energy frequencies, then the results will be scattered and diluted. So first, please tend to your own vessel, and repair the energy that inspires a feeling of being personally empowered through a space of self-care and nurturing.
Use this 'time of many adjustments' to TAKE CARE OF YOU! You deserve this more than anyone! Take time to offer yourself worthy attention, shift from ego-demands and simply acknowledge 'you' on a soul-level. When we do this collectively, we firm up the foundation from which we offer healing to others, and thus, add a frequency of deepening integrity of our shared collective heart.
We all have been through a lot one way or another in recent weeks, months and longer in some regions, and before you can get back into the race, your own vessel deserves YOUR love, self-compassion, a time to go inward and honor the blessed spirit that you are. First say 'hello' to yourself, pause, and allow yourself an abundance of LOVING Light too!
See you at 9 your time. Together we will send LOVE, LIGHT and the potent potentials of unconditional miracles to all who need it wherever they are, through the effortless effort of our collective hearts. ~Peace, Namaste, Good will, everywhere for all living things Great & small.
The point is this; we have more power in these situations than we 'allow ourselves to believe'. I say it this way because human consciousness IS evolving where thoughts have an evermore rapid influence in how events impact the creation of shared reality. As we evolve and understand how the energy of our thoughts influence world events, we can begin to heal on a large scale with little burden-- to any-single-individual. The key is to understand how taking responsibility without taking on ALL of the world problems. As paradoxical as it sounds, if we Truly did the latter, we'd all feel overwhelmed and completely stressed out!
WHAT WE CAN DO is take care of our own lives and become more aware of how we interface with our own interpersonal and echo-environments. When take on responsibility, we are socialized to automatically take care of everyone else first before ourselves individually from an ungrounded and often unconscious place of triage, an old paradigm invented in an attempt to prevent people from becoming self-centered or self-absorbed. Yet there is a need though, to attend to ones own interior so that when you direct intentions towards others, you are doing this from a conscious and self-enlightened space of positive self-awareness. THIS MEANS that when you tend to your own vessel first, you are coming from a place of integrity, personal compassion and not from a fear space of worst-case scenario reaction to fear.
There is a saying (paraphrased) that says "An empty vessel cannot fill anyones cup." The concept is that you cannot 'authentically offer assistance to another' without an awareness from where it is coming. This is to say, if you are offering scatter-shot energy frequencies, then the results will be scattered and diluted. So first, please tend to your own vessel, and repair the energy that inspires a feeling of being personally empowered through a space of self-care and nurturing.
Use this 'time of many adjustments' to TAKE CARE OF YOU! You deserve this more than anyone! Take time to offer yourself worthy attention, shift from ego-demands and simply acknowledge 'you' on a soul-level. When we do this collectively, we firm up the foundation from which we offer healing to others, and thus, add a frequency of deepening integrity of our shared collective heart.
We all have been through a lot one way or another in recent weeks, months and longer in some regions, and before you can get back into the race, your own vessel deserves YOUR love, self-compassion, a time to go inward and honor the blessed spirit that you are. First say 'hello' to yourself, pause, and allow yourself an abundance of LOVING Light too!
See you at 9 your time. Together we will send LOVE, LIGHT and the potent potentials of unconditional miracles to all who need it wherever they are, through the effortless effort of our collective hearts. ~Peace, Namaste, Good will, everywhere for all living things Great & small.
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