Sunday, December 29, 2013

The New Year's New Vibration!


Each new year represents to humans, a new vibration that defines our shared journey of our collective awakening. Events, whether it be through natural disasters or man-made, 'we' are being given opportunities to see each other in new ways, imbibing a deeper compassion for strangers across the globe who are suffering one way or another. No one human is exempt from the consequences of our individual and collective actions.

With the heart-beat of Earth's living force growing louder and louder, we- collectively are realizing that human's occupation on Earth has to radically change if we are to survive, and if future generations are going to thrive. 

We can no longer afford to live out an 'ego' driven existence where humanity continually exploits the planets resources and only returns toxic waste into the ever growing fragile environment. This form of imbalanced living has to end. 'We' collectively are awakening to the realization that we have to get along, not only with ourselves, but with the other life forms of this planet. We have to learn to live collaboratively through developing the skills to form consensus with 'ALL of Life.' (That is, to realize that humans are not the only source of intelligence that lives on this Earth.)

The vibration of the year to come is a 'seven'. (2+0+1+4= 7) Using numerology to define the vibration, seven is about recognizing that 'we' have to learn -how to be a more conscientious version- of 'us together'. Seven is a spiritual vibration. It reveals hidden truths, pierces illusions, and reminds us to be compassionate from the heart. To keep choosing faith over fear. (Focused Authentic Intentions Towards Healing instead of False Evidence Appearing Real..) 

Seven is a 'seven' only because it has experienced and lived the journey of each number (chakra) proceeding it on an experiential-vibrational level, it is the number that awakens a new level of self awareness through awakenings that unfolds 'enlightenment'. Before seven can become an eight, it has to have integrated it's lessons, the array of life-provoking experiences that raises the world-view to one that is about collective agreements that are no longer tied to fear-based survival. 

So, in using the number analogy, we are talking about seeing ourselves as 'frequency & vibration', beings with bodies that through new awareness of how we -individually- influences all that is 'our shared reality.' We are in a mass flux where 'we' are rearranging what is important, to gain momentum in a way that 'restores' rather than exploits Earth's resources. 

Restoring a shared orientation that emphasizes collaborative living on levels seen and unseen, we will continue to develop the capability to realize that 'we' are much more powerful that we realized, when we unify our heart-spaces into a mutually healthy collaborative that is philosophically rooted in 'giving life back'.

Reusable / green energy sources will continue to gain momentum, as we become more deeply (and intentionally) integrated into our overall global economic level. As the 'Information Age' begins to fade, we will transition into the 'Intuition Age' in the next 6-7 years, where we begin to hear, understand and integrate our energetic relationship to all that We are.

May your New Year come with abundant opportunities to heal, to grow, to integrate and arrive to a renewed sense of All That You Are, as a multi-dimensional being with untold powers of healing, through the discovery of your 'self' as a True Being of Light. 

~Thank YOU for being a part of this beautiful collaboration of a global custodianship that is Love, the use of frequency to heal and employ the given ability to heal through focusing loving intention and sending Light to anyone / any living creature in need.

~Namaste, Jackie Major

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