Monday, May 12, 2014

FAITH is an Energy (Available to us at all times, in every situation.)

We are living in times where our faith in the effectiveness of prayer can feel challenged and, perhaps even futile. But it is the very bain of of our existence that creates this dilemma. The cure is the realization that 'we' individually and collectively are more powerful than we have ever been lead to believe. With new spiritual movements coming to fruition every day, collectively we are learning that is there is more than meets the eye.
I ask this time, that you go into your interior and 'ask your self' if you are keeping the faith- do you believe that focused prayer and meditation are working? We cannot be reliant on evidence, as what we see in our reality is already in past time because in order to see it, it has already happened.

What has happened is what we see as evidence of our beliefs in the past. The potent potential of faith (as an energy that can transmute anything) is to realize that in the present moment is where we are most powerful. Faith is an investment of belief that 'we' can create a better 'now' in the future. (FAITH = Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing and dissolves FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real.)
Please join in on a 5 minute prayer (at 9a and or 9p your time) for the world and ALL of its inhabitants, giving deeply felt gratitude from your heart space to Earth as she continues to support all that we are. Send a focused vision of a miracle of the girls abducted in Africa (and anywhere else,) and are liberated and reconnected to their families immediately. So it is and so shall it be.
I thank you and am grateful for -all- of you. Please invite your friends to join this group if you feel they would like to be a part of this divine mission of love and miracles.

***This is my recent post from my Facebook page: Global Prayer & Meditation for Natural & Unnatural Disasters, feel free to explore this link and join! 

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