Sunday, December 29, 2013

The New Year's New Vibration!


Each new year represents to humans, a new vibration that defines our shared journey of our collective awakening. Events, whether it be through natural disasters or man-made, 'we' are being given opportunities to see each other in new ways, imbibing a deeper compassion for strangers across the globe who are suffering one way or another. No one human is exempt from the consequences of our individual and collective actions.

With the heart-beat of Earth's living force growing louder and louder, we- collectively are realizing that human's occupation on Earth has to radically change if we are to survive, and if future generations are going to thrive. 

We can no longer afford to live out an 'ego' driven existence where humanity continually exploits the planets resources and only returns toxic waste into the ever growing fragile environment. This form of imbalanced living has to end. 'We' collectively are awakening to the realization that we have to get along, not only with ourselves, but with the other life forms of this planet. We have to learn to live collaboratively through developing the skills to form consensus with 'ALL of Life.' (That is, to realize that humans are not the only source of intelligence that lives on this Earth.)

The vibration of the year to come is a 'seven'. (2+0+1+4= 7) Using numerology to define the vibration, seven is about recognizing that 'we' have to learn -how to be a more conscientious version- of 'us together'. Seven is a spiritual vibration. It reveals hidden truths, pierces illusions, and reminds us to be compassionate from the heart. To keep choosing faith over fear. (Focused Authentic Intentions Towards Healing instead of False Evidence Appearing Real..) 

Seven is a 'seven' only because it has experienced and lived the journey of each number (chakra) proceeding it on an experiential-vibrational level, it is the number that awakens a new level of self awareness through awakenings that unfolds 'enlightenment'. Before seven can become an eight, it has to have integrated it's lessons, the array of life-provoking experiences that raises the world-view to one that is about collective agreements that are no longer tied to fear-based survival. 

So, in using the number analogy, we are talking about seeing ourselves as 'frequency & vibration', beings with bodies that through new awareness of how we -individually- influences all that is 'our shared reality.' We are in a mass flux where 'we' are rearranging what is important, to gain momentum in a way that 'restores' rather than exploits Earth's resources. 

Restoring a shared orientation that emphasizes collaborative living on levels seen and unseen, we will continue to develop the capability to realize that 'we' are much more powerful that we realized, when we unify our heart-spaces into a mutually healthy collaborative that is philosophically rooted in 'giving life back'.

Reusable / green energy sources will continue to gain momentum, as we become more deeply (and intentionally) integrated into our overall global economic level. As the 'Information Age' begins to fade, we will transition into the 'Intuition Age' in the next 6-7 years, where we begin to hear, understand and integrate our energetic relationship to all that We are.

May your New Year come with abundant opportunities to heal, to grow, to integrate and arrive to a renewed sense of All That You Are, as a multi-dimensional being with untold powers of healing, through the discovery of your 'self' as a True Being of Light. 

~Thank YOU for being a part of this beautiful collaboration of a global custodianship that is Love, the use of frequency to heal and employ the given ability to heal through focusing loving intention and sending Light to anyone / any living creature in need.

~Namaste, Jackie Major

Monday, November 11, 2013

This Last Mercury Retrograde and its Purpose?

A mercury retrograde puts all of the above under review revealing the most minute details taken for granted and in such a way we have no choice but to endure, making seemingly ridiculous course adjustments, requiring us to smooth out details that require review and resolution, resulting in becoming more conscious in how we (individually & collectively) make choices and even small decisions while at times, feeling as though we are under several hundred pounds of resistance-pressure while attempting to manage these processes.  

When Mercury in retrograde is influenced by other astro-events can intensify and even exasperate the repeating event, where in actuality, this event happens three times a year for three weeks at a time! You would think we are used to this by now as this phenomenon is nothing new. This recent cycle was clearly an exception as it also involved other major planetary events that contributed towards a feeling of overwhelm and even disbelief in the possibilities of how communication breakdowns can ensnare us into unwanted courses of action, heated conversations, and even forcing us one way or another into system review and attention to details that withdrew energy without an immediate perception or an experience of a return.

Now that Mercury has done its backwards trek, this cycle will officially complete on November 26th, (two days before Thanksgiving) when this rapid moving planet completes this cycle of going back over it's path now moving FORWARD, revealing opportunities for making purposeful progress and healing misunderstandings in the wake of its recent backwards movement. 

By degree Saturn, the planet of self-discipline and structure is matching Mercury's forward trek by degree and on Nov 26th, punctuates and emphasizes the need for focus, order, and to be more conscious-of-intention as we develop the need for not just better communication, but CONSCIOUS INTENTION within the process of communication. Intention is the undercurrent of energy within any act. INtention is the frequency that engages the Law of Attraction.

I could write an entire book of the significance of these current events and their short term and long term impact on us individually as well as human society and politics. BUT, we are all very busy this time of year, so in a nutshell, cross your T's, dot your I's and remember we all have the capability of humor and the opportunity to choose love over contempt. These are the higher vibrations that we all are able to access through our unique powers of 'free-will.' Remember gratitude helps us shift out of feeling victimized by events that truly are only opportunities to learn and evolve our perceptions and how we experience our own and shared realities.

For further help in making the energetic, spiritual and emotional adjustments during these challenging times coupled with the busy holiday season, I am available at Arcana, (207-773-7801) or send me a message through Facebook, and we can sort out what you need relevant to the services I provide as a Professional Clairvoyant / Energetic Healer & teacher of Guided Meditation.

Many blessings Everyone!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Collective Consciousness is Becoming Self-Aware

When we as a collective consciousness learn to access our heart-space as a fundamental aspect of our shared well being, and this is accepted as a normal thing to do, those who would harm in order to empower will grow to fewer and their hate-filled mantra futile. Love is a normal vibration of Earth and when the collective mind develops confidence in tapping into this this energy, miracles will lead and lower vibrational intentions will lose their power.

As the global collective consciousness continues to become more self-aware, 'WE' are realizing that there are energy levels associated to certain actions that no longer serve the greater good. For instance, the energy of 'blame' only serves to keep us in past-time victim reality. The energy of futility or resignation entraps us in our own misery, or to walk with guilt over something that has happened years ago, or even generations ago, restricts our ability to actualize the lessons from past mistakes and reestablish balance in living life in a loving and purposeful way.

The above-mentioned energies are about how 'we' as a collective consciousness are growing to understand how 'we' influence each other through vibration. As we grow more accustomed to energetic self-awareness, we develop the ability to transcend limitations using the 'collective heart.' As ‘we’ become more confident, it is becoming more common to hear someone say "I'm sending you energy" or, "I am praying for you" or, "I'll hold a good thought for you today." We know on some level that our intention is a frequency that creates reality, is an energy that attracts, magnetizes and by virtue of a loving intention, heals.

What we are witnessing now, especially in the United States during our government shutdown, is the process of becoming ‘collectively self-aware’ in the political arena. Politics are meant to focus a philosophy in governing while managing human needs from the most rudimentary level to the larger more complex levels as it relates to our presence on Earth as a whole. Concurrent with this is a growing awareness of mental illness that is born of broken religion, or lopsided dogma that has only managed to create broken connections to the heart center. In the wake of broken self-awareness, emerges lower frequencies that are fear-based thinking, warped perceptions of hateful spirituality and even justification for committing genocide. Removing human rights and enslaving populations economically, physically and emotionally, simply are no longer tolerable because it is not in affinity with the powerful vibration this planet.

In what appears to be extremely difficult times, ‘we’ have an awesome opportunity. We can choose to acknowledge our anger and disappointment and then channel that energy into other emotions and catalyze frequencies that would heal instead of destruct. To heal your 'self' from feeling weakened by the chronic diet of bad news, or the heated posturing that only serves to polarize and intensify the experience of fear, fueling the worst case 'what-if' scenarios is becoming the way of the past. It is in this moment where we can go into our own interiors (hearts) and access our ‘Collective Heart.’ When we access Our Heart, we have the ability to transcend all limitations when we invoke the power within it, and embrace faith. Remember FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real, where the energy that dissolves FAITH is ‘Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing. Fear repels and detracts energy, where faith attracts and integrates energy, creating a grid that dissolves blocked energy and allows Love to manifest miracles. It has been done, it can be done and it will be done. See you at 9 your time, meeting in Our Heart-space. ~Namaste

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

An Indelible Mark

This date, Nine-Eleven has left an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of humans all around the world, some more personally felt than others. Yet this gives us (collective) pause, to take a few moments out of your busy day, and consider the meaning of this date beyond the horrors of traumatic loss. To pray for those whose lives were lost, their families, and all who are impacted one way or another with a vision of continued healing. Together we revere a deepening gratitude for those who choose to be First Responders, we bow and take off our hats for your service. We are grateful.

Today we pray for healing to continue, for awareness to connect humanity through a collective heart that gathers strength, refusing to yield to the old way of conquering through war. To remember to choose love over hate, peace over war, joy over contempt. Therein lays the blessing of our God-given free will, to raise vibrations rather than sink to a base existence of fear and hate.

On this day of significance, I ask you to look people in the eyes, to send an intention of love to your friends, neighbors, coworkers- your boss, to pay-it-forward from a place of unconditional love. Let this Light be contagious. Allow your laughter to be shared. Find a way to extend yourself in a way that is not your usual day-to-day existence. Create a new pattern of choosing to be authentic and real, to yourself, with a conscious intention. Simply be present.

Please join in a collective prayer for safety and goodwill to extend in unprecedented ways around the world where suffering is a daily existence, where to choose love is the only real answer. When take a moment to center our attention within our hearts, and allow it to exude beyond our personality, we send a frequency where others can manifest a miracle. It is so simple.

Thank you for being a part of this forum, thank you for being a part of a Global Continuum of Love & Grace.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Divine Discontent

Divine Discontent
(a soliloquy)
by Rev. Jackie Major

there are parts of me that understand my relationship with God

there are parts of me that are in doubt about how God feels about me

and then there are parts of me that doubt how I feel about God

I do know that there is a bigger part of me that is certain about my relationship with God, and also knows that God is certain about me, that I Am Loved and that I love God

this 'bigger me' seems far away yet always close, and is the voice that reassures when I can stop and listen

this 'bigger me' seems to be watching whenever I stop to think about It,
just like God Who is always Here and Everywhere --supposedly (grin)

God's Answer: "To be here is to be there when the time comes... (Grin)"


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Your Power to Choose, is an Opportunity to Choose Love in All Situations

I was just taking a good look over the 'astrological climate' in the weeks, months to come. We have powerful planet-aspects coming into to place that have been (not exaggerating) CENTURIES in the making. This means when these aspects lock-in- they are energies that are going to redefine our culture, whether it be US,-- or really, globally. BUT FEAR NOT, as these are the game-changers that we need in order to heal, to witness our chronic failures and limitations (culturally) of the past so we can create the new frequencies waiting to be born, that would heal humanity and it's relationship to this planet. 

This being said, we have opportunities to 'reset or reboot' our orientation to one that is committed towards healing, where our 'busy-ness' becomes our business to --always-- include quality time for -you FIRST. "As an empty vessel cannot fill anyone's cup." Therefore, to take a few moments to center your 'self' with a focused intention to simply send out a vibe of heart-felt-good-will into the world. You can only truly do this if you are able to feel this frequency within yourself first hand-- for your 'self', your circle of family & friends, community.

Remember "I am" sets up a frequency that aligns you to the 'God of Your Heart' and serves as an invocation to that which is your power- the ability to transmit love into the world from an authentic place. The phrase "I am" brings your intention to the present moment, wherein the present is the only place you can be powerful. I am love, I am healed, I am powerful.. I am sending LOVE out into the world to create miracles, no matter what the news is reporting, no matter what it seems like everywhere else.. as YOU ARE powerful! Thank you for being a part of this forum-- as I AM GRATEFUL for YOU! ~Namaste

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Evolution of a Soul

This is a 'channel' (Divine flow of information) that came through while contemplating a deeper concern about deep soul healing for years. To understand what 'ego' is for and how to locate a connection to spirit when ego has sabotaged faith and trust in Higher vision and faith. Through the graces of a Higher Source, I have distilled this blog. I will deepen my own healing as a result of this potent and powerful information. May this information heal you in any way that is best served as well. ~Namaste, Jackie

"Part of the journey of soul evolution is to be immersed into ego where ego can only manifest while in the 3rd dimension. As the soul evolves from out of the ego-place, the density of ego softens as concepts are gained and spiritual awakening occurs. As the soul moves deeper into embracing the higher vibrations or frequencies of spiritual existence, subconscious ego will create challenges as the energy-field of ego becomes less and less engaged." (Non-attachment.)

"By virtue of the 'Laws of Attraction', we (evolving souls) will attract people and situations to help us form a deepening understanding of what it is that we are separating from, thus enabling us to engage and actualize the newer spiritual principles that we are choosing in order to progress our spiritual enlightenment." 

"Those who would present an ultimate challenge, reflect the energy that we are healing within ourselves. The externalized circumstances, the challenge, is amplified in an extreme or exaggerated way so that we
-cannot- ignore it. The source (the person/situation) often are unconscious of their impact on you because they clearly are not on the same evolutionary path at the -same rate- you are evolving. These experiences are challenging you on many levels at once, so as to help you develop the muscles to 'intentionally raise your vibration on more than one frequency at a time'."

"When our soul chooses a higher vibration and engages in a spiritual mission, our ego helps us to forget this so that we do not get in our own way. By directly engaging in ego, we (subconsciously) create a paradox to force your spirit to access information -through- the denser ego field/vibration- so as to 'birth' the awareness experience as being a
new awareness, giving deeper understanding of the souls evolution by an actual experience of 'unfoldment'." 

"This process is how we (humans) enlighten, our Higher Self (or the God of your heart) sends pieces of itself away on 'missions' (lifetimes) and these pieces when birthed into the physical plane (into a body) forgets all that it is so that it can relearn through a tactile-physical experience of what it already knows but in a new way. Ego in the 3-D plane blocks memory so that you can learn what you forgot and integrate memories experienced physically through emotional responses. Fear, anxiety, stress are all physical experiences that distract you intensely so you can gain a fuller, deeper, awareness of what it is that you already know on a higher frequency. When you enlighten, you integrate what was subconscious into consciousness and then you can see this whole process in its entirety and then, actualize enlightenment, thus raising your vibration."

"Energetic principles that move energy from past time to present time, such as choosing forgiveness while developing
healthy boundaries, transmuting anger into love, fear into faith, are the earmarks of soul evolution as you recall a larger percentage of yourself from past-time into present time. Naturally occurring certainty, confidence and serenity are the result of integrating these concepts."

With deep gratitude,


Monday, July 15, 2013

Where Is Your Heart Today?

Recent events in the US news has raised a critical awareness of how racism persists in the legal system, where 'a jury of your peers' really isn't. Having been raised as a white middle class citizen, my own journey has been met with limitation and fear, as being a product of my own upbringing. My mother, Irish, from a poor blue collar family, raised us in an unconscious yet 'accepted bigoted' culture. During my childhood in the 1960's & 70's I was blessed to be exposed to those who would teach me otherwise.

What I became aware of was the 'assumed standard of superiority' that isn't even spoken but inferred. In my earlier life I had to recognize this within myself and make a CONSCIOUS choices to change, to allow and confront the fears that came with giving up a (false) sense of power.

Later into my adulthood, (1990's) I was at lunch with a friend & coworker, and she's a beautiful strong black woman. We were at a cafe run by mostly gays in San Francisco's Mission District where multicultural consciousness is 'the way'. To my own astonishment, the young white waitress would not look at my friend or take her order. At first I just thought she was scattered or distracted. Then my friend realized it was because she was black. At first I disbelieved her, I thought "Naw, not here, not in SF, not in the neighborhood that is mostly non-white!" Well, as the next hour moved forward, I watched her take other peoples orders. Some of the customers were white, some were mixed.. and she was ignoring the non-whites too! I was shocked. We realized she wasn't doing this intentionally, but unconsciously.

My friend was kind, compassionate and knew that I needed to have my consciousness raised. She said, the woman has been taught (unconsciously) to not see blacks. It wasn't even a malcontent on the waitress's part, it was pure ignorance and pure lack of socialization remnant from a poor upbringing. When we left her a tip, my friend wrote her a note instead. The note was to let her know that we are not withholding her tip not only from poor service, but also to help this waitress become aware of her 'blindness'. We left and of course, never patronized that establishment again. We called the owner and told her about our experience hoping this would be a consciousness-raising event all around.

This was eye-opening to say the least. I was startled to realize that my self portrait of being a liberal, open minded and feminist, needed some work. Ten years later, I found out I was at least one third Native American from my fathers side. (This is a whole other story!) But, when I learned of this it blessed me with a deepening understanding how 'unconscious fear' can be at the root of racism. I am not an expert per se, but drawing from my own life experiences, I learned that 'consciousness' navigated by the heart can change everything, your life view, your world view, your sense of personal identity. Your relationship to your community, your perception of right and wrong changes as you change and grow- mature.

Wrong is when you disregard anyone or anything because of their differences, their race, their religion, their lack of knowledge. Like my patient friend at lunch, I ask you to exercise patience, and creating a breath of space to allow your own heart, spirit and mind rise above. Please choose compassion, choose love for ALL humanity. Don't get caught up in a vibe of righteous vigilantism, and instead choose righteous indignation and then use this frequency to educate others. Allow your anger to be a catalyst for educating those who are your family and friends and offer up an all inclusive perspective. Be bold. If we work on cultural ignorance together, perhaps we can rise to a new standard of exercising proper justice, create a unified vision of what we as a collective consciousness can do to level the table of true justice rather than an antiquated product of bad education and ignorance rooted in fear.

Please pray and meditate for peace in these tense times, for love that transcends fear and invites a growing consciousness of community that embraces all diversity, realizing that diversity is a precious resource we all must preserve. ~Godspeed

Sunday, May 5, 2013


None of us would be here unless we were born after a gestation of many months in our biological mothers womb. None of us can say that we came from anywhere else if we are human. The journey of life begins in the same moment of death. We gestate in our mothers internal body until it is time for us to come out, wherein the beginning of life inside of her ends, and we are forced into a completely different reality where the gestation experience has ended forever, akin to death and then birth, compressed within the same laborious moments.

We must accept this new life, and trust those around us as our family, our caregivers, our beginning support while in such a fragile and vulnerable state. You wouldn't be able to read this unless you were fed, cared for, looked after, and educated. From the moment of birth, each and everyone one of us has a unique life-evolving story, that when told becomes the foot prints of our souls journey. As we learn how to live on earth, we first learn to walk, then run, and even hide, we become captivated and truly lost at other times. No one-journey is identical to another, as we are each here with our own unique and powerful life mission.

The story we each have about our relationship to our mother is always deeply personal and powerful because it reveals the backdrop of why any of us are here. Some of our beginnings are the true-to-form storybook tale with powerful maternal love being at the foundation defining the essence of life, often cementing a deepening of your mother & father's love in their marriage. We align with an expectation of how love affirms the foundation of a meaningful and purposeful reality and therefore, as adults go and create the same experience with these beginning foundation-expectations.

Sometimes and often the case, we do not get the story-book beginning in our infancy and childhood. We encounter challenges where we have to navigate difficulties from any potential category of 'why'. At times we have to accept the help of strangers, to help us with a continued life, whether it be a relative, a neighbors mom, or a teacher. This is to say, we each come here with our own  personal mission with a spiritual blueprint encoded in our souls energetic DNA (Divining Natural Answers) with detailed specs of your life mission for being on Earth. The instructions are not revealed in a neatly organized folder with detailed instructions about your karma or life purpose organized in linear form. It is the array of life experience that presents us with situations that allow us to heal, evolve our beings, our souls, our understanding and forming life meaning as it relates to your choices and the importance of exercising free will.

Whether your mother was a loving maternal type, or a painful source of memories, remember, you were given birth and would not have been able to make it 'here' without being carried within her body. This is not an underlying message of  'you should be grateful', rather a message to love the blessings that come with being alive and if your mother is a strong positive presence in your life, honor her, let her know your expression of gratitude that represents your life, your grace, your transcended understanding of who you are together and what you have learned from her. Let her know that she isn't taken for granted.

If your relationship is /  was challenging, then remember you deserve to be honored for choosing life, to take on your self regardless of the many challenges that came out of your early beginnings. She was the beginning place for you to start your life, for you to get your footing no matter how events unfolded once you were born. Now, as an adult you can make choices that represent your heart's intention towards the life you choose to live. Through depth-perception and accrued life-experience you can listen to your inner-self navigation, through listening to and honoring your feelings. Your feelings identify where you can heal, where you have healed and gained strength, integrated wisdom and bettering self-esteem, as you walk your conscious journey.

If you can love your mother for what she gave you, love her and bless her for your gift of life. If necessary, forgive her for any misgivings, as forgiveness takes your soul out of bondage held in the energetic past. When we forgive, we regain our energy in the present moment to create and manifest the life we choose. Choose love, choose to be here now and witness all that is beautiful surrounding you in nature, even if it is just the grass on your lawn responding to the suns light and Earth's water, the trees budding, bee's buzzing, birds singing, as they herald the essence of all of life, the frequency from were we all have come. "As above, so below."

Wishing you the maternal joy of life-giving forces, whether it be through birthing your children, recognizing your mother or, your life as you are, the person you choose to be. Each new moment is a gift, to continually birth your conscious choice to live life in Loves breath.

Peace, Love & Light,

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Time to take care of YOU!

As seen in recent weeks in the United States, longer term distress in Syria, and seemingly never ending turmoil in parts of Africa, we grow accustomed to believing in the idea of the possibility of unexpected turmoil erupting anywhere at any time. Environmental horror stories such as what we are seeing in Alabama, Japan, and I am sure in many other places globally, it appears the human world in a state of chaos, creating a collective unspoken feeling of stress and generalized experience of being 'dis-at-ease'.

The point is this; we have more power in these situations than we 'allow ourselves to believe'. I say it this way because human consciousness IS evolving where thoughts have an evermore rapid influence in how events impact the creation of shared reality. As we evolve and understand how the energy of our thoughts influence world events, we can begin to heal on a large scale with little burden-- to any-single-individual. The key is to understand how taking responsibility without taking on ALL of the world problems. As paradoxical as it sounds, if we Truly did the latter, we'd all feel overwhelmed and completely stressed out!

WHAT WE CAN DO is take care of our own lives and become more aware of how we interface with our own interpersonal and echo-environments. When take on responsibility, we are socialized to automatically take care of everyone else first before ourselves individually from an ungrounded and often unconscious place of triage, an old paradigm invented in an attempt to prevent people from becoming self-centered or self-absorbed. Yet there is a need though, to attend to ones own interior so that when you direct intentions towards others, you are doing this from a conscious and self-enlightened space of positive self-awareness. THIS MEANS that when you tend to your own vessel first, you are coming from a place of integrity, personal compassion and not from a fear space of worst-case scenario reaction to fear.

There is a saying (paraphrased) that says "An empty vessel cannot fill anyones cup." The concept is that you cannot 'authentically offer assistance to another' without an awareness from where it is coming. This is to say, if you are offering scatter-shot energy frequencies, then the results will be scattered and diluted. So first, please tend to your own vessel, and repair the energy that inspires a feeling of being personally empowered through a space of self-care and nurturing.

Use this 'time of many adjustments' to TAKE CARE OF YOU! You deserve this more than anyone! Take time to offer yourself worthy attention, shift from ego-demands and simply acknowledge 'you' on a soul-level. When we do this collectively, we firm up the foundation from which we offer healing to others, and thus, add a frequency of deepening integrity of our shared collective heart.

We all have been through a lot one way or another in recent weeks, months and longer in some regions, and before you can get back into the race, your own vessel deserves YOUR love, self-compassion, a time to go inward and honor the blessed spirit that you are. First say 'hello' to yourself, pause, and allow yourself an abundance of LOVING Light too!

See you at 9 your time. Together we will send LOVE, LIGHT and the potent potentials of unconditional miracles to all who need it wherever they are, through the effortless effort of our collective hearts. ~Peace, Namaste, Good will, everywhere for all living things Great & small.
As seen in recent weeks in the United States, longer term distress in Syria, and seemingly never ending turmoil in parts of Africa, we grow accustomed to believing in the idea of the possibility of unexpected turmoil erupting anywhere at any time. Environmental horror stories such as what we are seeing in Alabama, Japan, and I am sure in many other places globally, it appears the human world in a state of chaos, creating a collective unspoken feeling of stress and generalized experience of being 'dis-at-ease'. 

The point is this; we have more power in these situations than we 'allow ourselves to believe'. I say it this way because human consciousness IS evolving where thoughts have an evermore rapid influence in how events impact the creation of shared reality. As we evolve and understand how the energy of our thoughts influence world events, we can begin to heal on a large scale with little burden-- to any-single-individual. The key is to understand how taking responsibility without taking on ALL of the world problems. As paradoxical as it sounds, if we Truly did the latter, we'd all feel overwhelmed and completely stressed out!

WHAT WE CAN DO is take care of our own lives and become more aware of how we interface with our interpersonal and echo-environments. When take on responsibility, we are socialized to automatically take care of everyone else first before ourselves individually from an ungrounded  and often unconscious place of triage, an old paradigm invented in an attempt to prevent people from becoming self-centered or self-absorbed. Yet there is a need though, to attend to ones own interior so that when you direct intentions towards others, you are doing this from a conscious and self-enlightened space of positive self-awareness. THIS MEANS that when you tend to your own vessel first, you are coming from a place of integrity, personal compassion and not from a fear space of worst-case scenario reaction to fear. 

There is a saying (paraphrased) that says "An empty vessel cannot fill anyones cup." The concept is that you cannot 'authentically offer assistance to another' without an awareness from where it is coming. This is to say, if you are offering scatter-shot energy frequencies, then the results will be scattered and diluted. So first, please tend to your own vessel, and repair the energy that inspires a feeling of being personally empowered through a space of self-care and nurturing. 

Use this 'time of many adjustments' to TAKE CARE OF YOU! You deserve this more than anyone! Take time to offer yourself worthy attention, shift from ego-demands and simply acknowledge 'you' on a soul-level. When we do this collectively, we firm up the foundation from which we offer healing to others, and thus, add a frequency of deepening integrity of our shared collective heart. 

We all have been through a lot one way or another in recent weeks, months and longer in some regions, and before you can get back into the race, your own vessel deserves YOUR love, self-compassion, a time to go inward and honor the blessed spirit that you are. First say 'hello' to yourself, pause, and allow yourself an abundance of LOVING Light too! 

See you at 9 your time. Together we will send LOVE, LIGHT and the potent potentials of unconditional miracles to all who need it wherever they are, through the effortless effort of our collective hearts. ~Peace, Namaste, Good will, everywhere for all living things Great & small.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Power of Free Will

What is it and why is this hard-wired into the core of our spirits, our psyches? We expect it, especially in the United States. We all have 'free will', as this is how we know when we have been oppressed, or are being oppressed or recognize when we see others being oppressed. There is this feeling of 'this is not right' within the core of our being when we witness human and animal injustice. Social organizations, cultural influences and how we govern ourselves all are an externalization of what (we) collectively believe to be true. This is why so much is shifting and changing all over the world. We are realizing that the social norms of the past no longer serve humanity or the planets ecology. We are awakening, raising our vibration and thus, rebirthing how we are, and how we see life.

We (humanity) are learning that a shared cooperative global culture is needed in order to survive, to shed an outdated patriarchal-arrogance that once served as a cloak of denial perpetuated by fear and division, our collective consciousness is evolving. As we begin to understand our own  consciousness as an integral part of Earth's ecosystem, we see how negative judgments only rob us of the richness of the biodiverse ecology we have been provided, in order to realize our intelligence in its reflection.. 

We have grown, we have changed, we are adapting to the demands of this time for which we live. An era where humans, no matter our faith, religion or political beliefs are on a real time table, leading to some form of critical mass so as to recognize the Living Planet as a symbiotic life-form. This time table is a result of our past neglect, past ignorance, and naivety. We now know that we cannot continue to strip-mine the planet for resources, that we cannot dump toxic waste and hope that it 'just goes away'. Plastics must be recycled, replacing paper products with hemp products, developing sustainable and clean technologies is on the rise, and so is the deepening awareness that burning fossil fuels grows evermore passe. 

Yet, when we become a unified force, we can make the changes we need to be balanced cohabitants of our beautiful planet. Earth is a living organism with intelligence that surpasses all of us (humans) put together. How we relate to Earth is an expression of our limitations, as we have been taught to take Her resources for granted. Future generations cannot carry on as we have, and expect a balanced, purposeful life. Yet, this very thought can be overwhelming and we often shut off further contemplation.

This sense of overwhelm is a belief in 'feeling powerless'. Feeling powerless comes from an old paradigm that we cannot effect change within our own lives that would have enough impact on the larger whole. This is challenging when the media creates stories that appear larger than life, only serving to contribute towards a collective apathy based on lies. It is an old pattern, an old belief-habit to not challenge authority, yet in this haze, we have elected officials who do not represent the people, let alone the well-being of our planet. These politicians represent corporate interests which only concerns itself with quarterly and annual profits regardless of what resources are taken from the environment.

So what do -we- do? Give up? How do we challenge powers that have overtaken our belief in being able to effect personal power? How many times a day do you (unconsciously) go into agreement that we (humans) are too screwed-up to be able to make REAL changes? 

Free will is built into our souls, the core of our interior, and when we integrate this instinct with good intentions for all, the power shifts to the majority of thought- the collective mind. We are seeing it already, within old religious power structures where to question them in the past would have been considered sacrilegious. There still are places on earth where death can result by questioning religious doctrine that revere others as less, or insignificant, and worthy of abuses. There is a paradigm change underway and we must support this change in our everyday lives, as it leads towards greater healing for all.

Please take 5 minutes of your day to release what was once thought to be true and in its place, visualize a free world, where love is the real currency, and we (humanity) have evolved beyond using fear as a mechanism to take power. When we embrace faith, we dissolve fear, when we dissolve fear, we see each other with fresh eyes and new beginnings, wherein the past becomes the past instead of recreating fear. (FAITH= Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing, FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. Faith dissolves fear.) See you at 9 your time!
The Power of Free Will; What is it and why is this hard-wired into the core of our spirits, our psyches? We expect it, especially in the United States. We all have 'free will', as this is how we know when we have been oppressed, or are being oppressed or recognize when we see others being oppressed. There is this feeling of 'this is not right' within the core of our being when we witness human and animal injustice. Social organizations, cultural influences and how we govern ourselves all are an externalization of what (we) collectively believe to be true. This is why so much is shifting and changing all over the world. We are realizing that the social norms of the past no longer serve humanity or the planets ecology. We are awakening, raising our vibration and thus, rebirthing how we are, and how we see life.

We (humanity) are learning that a shared cooperative global culture is needed in order to survive, to shed an outdated patriarchal-arrogance that once served as a cloak of denial perpetuated by fear and division. We, humanity, are an evolving consciousness and an integral part of Earth's ecosystem where negative judgments only rob us of the richness of the biodiverse ecology we have been provided with in order to realize our intelligence in its reflection.. 

We have grown, we have changed, we are adapting to the demands of this time for which we live. An era where humans, no matter our faith, religion or political beliefs are on a real time table, leading to some form of critical mass so as to recognize the Living Planet as a symbiotic life-form. This time table is a result of our past neglect, past ignorance, and naivety. We now know that we cannot continue to strip-mine the planet for resources, that we cannot dump toxic waste and hope that it 'just goes away'. Plastics must be recycled, replacing paper products with hemp products, developing sustainable and clean technologies is on the rise, and so is the deepening awareness that burning fossil fuels grows evermore passe.   

Yet, when we become a unified force, we can make the changes we need to be balanced cohabitants of our beautiful planet. Earth is a living organism with intelligence that surpasses all of us (humans) put together. How we relate to Earth is an expression of our limitations, as we have been taught to take Her resources for granted. Future generations cannot carry on as we have, and expect a balanced, purposeful life. Yet, this very thought can be overwhelming and we often shut off further contemplation.

This sense of overwhelm is a belief in 'feeling powerless'. Feeling powerless comes from an old paradigm that we cannot effect change within our own lives that would have enough impact on the larger whole. This is challenging  when the media creates stories that appear larger than life, only serving to contribute towards a collective apathy based on lies. It is an old pattern, an old belief-habit to not challenge authority, yet in this haze, we have elected officials who do not represent the people, let alone the well-being of our planet. These politicians represent corporate interests which only concerns itself with quarterly and annual profits regardless of what resources are taken from the environment. 

So what do -we- do? Give up? How do we challenge powers that have overtaken our belief in being able to effect personal power? How many times a day do you (unconsciously) go into agreement that we (humans) are too screwed-up to be able to make REAL changes? 

Free will is built into our souls, the core of our interior, and when we integrate this instinct with good intentions for all, the power shifts to the majority of thought- the collective mind. We are seeing it already, within old religious power structures where to question them in the past would have been considered sacrilegious. There still are places on earth where death can result by questioning religious doctrine that revere others as less, or insignificant, and worthy of abuses. There is a paradigm change underway and we must support this change in our everyday lives, as it leads towards greater healing for all.

Please take 5 minutes of your day to release what was once thought to be true and in its place, visualize a free world, where love is the real currency, and we (humanity) have evolved beyond using fear as a mechanism to take power. When we embrace faith, we dissolve fear, when we dissolve fear, we see each other with fresh eyes and new beginnings, wherein the past becomes the past instead of recreating fear. (FAITH= Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing, FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. Faith dissolves fear.) See you at 9 your time!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Appearances As They Are Now DO NOT Determine The Future

We cannot allow 'appearances' to determine what can happen in the future, but we can use these appearances as -opportunities- to continue to make higher choices while exercising our ability to use free will, making progressive changes through small efforts within our day-to-day lives. These seemingly low impact changes, add up to huge benefits through time.

As we get used to being an eco-friendly culture, the demands and requirements of enlightened humans as true custodians to Earth increase. We, as a modern civilization need to continue to amend our 'throw-away' mentality, stop damaging the planet to extract oil only to result in carbon pollutants that are toxic to all living things.

Herein defines the New Age, moving towards a sustainable future, and this is to be more conscious of our own intentions, our own thoughts and exposure to counterproductive hyperbole sensationalist news. This negative feed into our psychies as a regular diet of purchased and intentionally designed headlines, meant to 'pop' for high ratings, can not offer any benefits in the longer term.

This 'era' is about going within to understand we are more powerful than we have been 'allowed' to believe until recent decades. New thinking, new permissions to explore ourselves as 'energetic beings' when sharing a common focus can exact miracles. Miracles are not cop-outs or short-cuts to healing or release. It is a decision to offer your pure heart's love unconditionally to those whom you will never meet in person, or to the planet as a bona fide living organism without any judgement.

When we unite our intentions, we become a part of the life-force that is of the planet. Earth only knows 'love' as a life-force frequency. We are surrounded by this frequency, yet we are socialized to not even know it is there. Why?

Perhaps as being part of the evolution of consciousness, we humans are being integrated into an energy wavelength that can change all that is broken once 'we have arrived'? Letting go of our attachment to how things should be, and simply believe that we are making good choices day-to-day becomes a living affirmation towards healing. Healing ourselves, healing our health by making lifestyle changes towards better nutrition, better self-care, better visions of what we CAN do, can only be beneficial because the future has not happened yet.

The opportunity that February brings is a reminder to remember love. No matter how dark things can seem, no matter how loss is impacting us, we are enabled to raise our vibrations at will. Practicing everyday makes the effort less imposing when a real situation comes across. This is because taking time - 5 minutes a day, to check in with your own intention towards your day becomes a normal part of your life routine and you are less susceptible to errant / random negative influences.

From one of my favorite websites:

"Let go of your concerns for yourself and your life, and be aware of another person's reality today. Discover any tendency to talk about yourself; do not speak of your concerns or your accomplishments. Ask about the other person instead."

This practice can only be enriching, and healing to yourself because the answer you hear / receive might be relevant to you but in another way, more specific to you or your life circumstances. When we reach outside of ourselves towards another, we can see a larger more compassionate reality. When we do this around the world, sanity takes form and dominance loses its value.

See you at nine your time- five minute meditation prayer, visualizing Earth healed, humanity living in balance, living on a clean energy grid, toxic food, plastics, and other pollutants, a thing of the past. ~Namaste

P.s. Here is the link to join my Facebook Group: Global Prayers & Meditation for Natural & Man-made Disasters:
We cannot allow 'appearances' to determine what can happen in the future, but we can use these appearances as -opportunities- to continue to make higher choices while exercising our ability to use free will, making progressive changes through small efforts within our day-to-day lives. These seemingly low impact changes, add up to huge benefits through time. 

As we get used to being an eco-friendly culture, the demands and requirements of enlightened humans as true custodians to Earth increase. We, as a modern civilization need to continue to amend our 'throw-away' mentality, stop damaging the planet to extract oil only to result in carbon pollutants that are toxic to all living things.

Herein defines the New Age, moving towards a sustainable future, and this is to be more conscious of our own intentions, our own thoughts and exposure to counterproductive hyperbole sensationalist news. This negative feed into our psychies as a regular diet of purchased and intentionally designed headlines, meant to 'pop' for high ratings, can not offer any benefits in the longer term.

This 'era' is about going within to understand we are more powerful than we have been 'allowed' to believe until recent decades. New thinking, new permissions to explore ourselves as 'energetic beings' when sharing a common focus can exact miracles. Miracles are not cop-outs or short-cuts to healing or release. It is a decision to offer your pure heart's love unconditionally to those whom you will never meet in person, or to the planet as a bona fide living organism without any judgement.  

When we unite our intentions, we become a part of the life-force that is of the planet. Earth only knows 'love' as a life-force frequency. We are surrounded by this frequency, yet we are socialized to not even know it is there. Why? 

Perhaps as being part of the evolution of consciousness, we humans are being integrated into an energy wavelength that can change all that is broken? Letting go of our attachment to who things should be, and simply believe that we are making good choices day-to-day becomes a living affirmation towards healing. Healing ourselves, healing our health by making lifestyle changes towards better nutrition, better self-care, better visions of what we CAN do, can only be beneficial because the future has not happened yet. 

The opportunity that February beings is a reminder to remember love. No matter how dark things can seem, no matter how loss is impacting us, we are enabled to raise our vibrations at will. Practicing everyday makes the effort less imposing when a real situation comes across. This is because taking time - 5 minutes a day, to check in with your own intention towards your day becomes a normal part of your life routine and you are less susceptible to errant / random negative influences.

From one of my favorite websites:

"Let go of your concerns for yourself and your life, and be aware of another person's reality today. Discover any tendency to talk about yourself; do not speak of your concerns or your accomplishments. Ask about the other person instead."

This practice can only be enriching, and healing to yourself because the answer you hear / receive might be relevant to you but in another way, more specific to you or your life circumstances. When we reach outside of ourselves towards another, we can see a larger more compassionate reality. When we do this around the world, sanity takes form and dominance loses its value.

See you at nine your time- five minute meditation prayer, visualizing Earth healed, humanity living in balance, living on a clean energy grid, toxic food, plastics, and other pollutants, a thing of the past. ~Namaste