Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Power of Free Will

What is it and why is this hard-wired into the core of our spirits, our psyches? We expect it, especially in the United States. We all have 'free will', as this is how we know when we have been oppressed, or are being oppressed or recognize when we see others being oppressed. There is this feeling of 'this is not right' within the core of our being when we witness human and animal injustice. Social organizations, cultural influences and how we govern ourselves all are an externalization of what (we) collectively believe to be true. This is why so much is shifting and changing all over the world. We are realizing that the social norms of the past no longer serve humanity or the planets ecology. We are awakening, raising our vibration and thus, rebirthing how we are, and how we see life.

We (humanity) are learning that a shared cooperative global culture is needed in order to survive, to shed an outdated patriarchal-arrogance that once served as a cloak of denial perpetuated by fear and division, our collective consciousness is evolving. As we begin to understand our own  consciousness as an integral part of Earth's ecosystem, we see how negative judgments only rob us of the richness of the biodiverse ecology we have been provided, in order to realize our intelligence in its reflection.. 

We have grown, we have changed, we are adapting to the demands of this time for which we live. An era where humans, no matter our faith, religion or political beliefs are on a real time table, leading to some form of critical mass so as to recognize the Living Planet as a symbiotic life-form. This time table is a result of our past neglect, past ignorance, and naivety. We now know that we cannot continue to strip-mine the planet for resources, that we cannot dump toxic waste and hope that it 'just goes away'. Plastics must be recycled, replacing paper products with hemp products, developing sustainable and clean technologies is on the rise, and so is the deepening awareness that burning fossil fuels grows evermore passe. 

Yet, when we become a unified force, we can make the changes we need to be balanced cohabitants of our beautiful planet. Earth is a living organism with intelligence that surpasses all of us (humans) put together. How we relate to Earth is an expression of our limitations, as we have been taught to take Her resources for granted. Future generations cannot carry on as we have, and expect a balanced, purposeful life. Yet, this very thought can be overwhelming and we often shut off further contemplation.

This sense of overwhelm is a belief in 'feeling powerless'. Feeling powerless comes from an old paradigm that we cannot effect change within our own lives that would have enough impact on the larger whole. This is challenging when the media creates stories that appear larger than life, only serving to contribute towards a collective apathy based on lies. It is an old pattern, an old belief-habit to not challenge authority, yet in this haze, we have elected officials who do not represent the people, let alone the well-being of our planet. These politicians represent corporate interests which only concerns itself with quarterly and annual profits regardless of what resources are taken from the environment.

So what do -we- do? Give up? How do we challenge powers that have overtaken our belief in being able to effect personal power? How many times a day do you (unconsciously) go into agreement that we (humans) are too screwed-up to be able to make REAL changes? 

Free will is built into our souls, the core of our interior, and when we integrate this instinct with good intentions for all, the power shifts to the majority of thought- the collective mind. We are seeing it already, within old religious power structures where to question them in the past would have been considered sacrilegious. There still are places on earth where death can result by questioning religious doctrine that revere others as less, or insignificant, and worthy of abuses. There is a paradigm change underway and we must support this change in our everyday lives, as it leads towards greater healing for all.

Please take 5 minutes of your day to release what was once thought to be true and in its place, visualize a free world, where love is the real currency, and we (humanity) have evolved beyond using fear as a mechanism to take power. When we embrace faith, we dissolve fear, when we dissolve fear, we see each other with fresh eyes and new beginnings, wherein the past becomes the past instead of recreating fear. (FAITH= Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing, FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. Faith dissolves fear.) See you at 9 your time!
The Power of Free Will; What is it and why is this hard-wired into the core of our spirits, our psyches? We expect it, especially in the United States. We all have 'free will', as this is how we know when we have been oppressed, or are being oppressed or recognize when we see others being oppressed. There is this feeling of 'this is not right' within the core of our being when we witness human and animal injustice. Social organizations, cultural influences and how we govern ourselves all are an externalization of what (we) collectively believe to be true. This is why so much is shifting and changing all over the world. We are realizing that the social norms of the past no longer serve humanity or the planets ecology. We are awakening, raising our vibration and thus, rebirthing how we are, and how we see life.

We (humanity) are learning that a shared cooperative global culture is needed in order to survive, to shed an outdated patriarchal-arrogance that once served as a cloak of denial perpetuated by fear and division. We, humanity, are an evolving consciousness and an integral part of Earth's ecosystem where negative judgments only rob us of the richness of the biodiverse ecology we have been provided with in order to realize our intelligence in its reflection.. 

We have grown, we have changed, we are adapting to the demands of this time for which we live. An era where humans, no matter our faith, religion or political beliefs are on a real time table, leading to some form of critical mass so as to recognize the Living Planet as a symbiotic life-form. This time table is a result of our past neglect, past ignorance, and naivety. We now know that we cannot continue to strip-mine the planet for resources, that we cannot dump toxic waste and hope that it 'just goes away'. Plastics must be recycled, replacing paper products with hemp products, developing sustainable and clean technologies is on the rise, and so is the deepening awareness that burning fossil fuels grows evermore passe.   

Yet, when we become a unified force, we can make the changes we need to be balanced cohabitants of our beautiful planet. Earth is a living organism with intelligence that surpasses all of us (humans) put together. How we relate to Earth is an expression of our limitations, as we have been taught to take Her resources for granted. Future generations cannot carry on as we have, and expect a balanced, purposeful life. Yet, this very thought can be overwhelming and we often shut off further contemplation.

This sense of overwhelm is a belief in 'feeling powerless'. Feeling powerless comes from an old paradigm that we cannot effect change within our own lives that would have enough impact on the larger whole. This is challenging  when the media creates stories that appear larger than life, only serving to contribute towards a collective apathy based on lies. It is an old pattern, an old belief-habit to not challenge authority, yet in this haze, we have elected officials who do not represent the people, let alone the well-being of our planet. These politicians represent corporate interests which only concerns itself with quarterly and annual profits regardless of what resources are taken from the environment. 

So what do -we- do? Give up? How do we challenge powers that have overtaken our belief in being able to effect personal power? How many times a day do you (unconsciously) go into agreement that we (humans) are too screwed-up to be able to make REAL changes? 

Free will is built into our souls, the core of our interior, and when we integrate this instinct with good intentions for all, the power shifts to the majority of thought- the collective mind. We are seeing it already, within old religious power structures where to question them in the past would have been considered sacrilegious. There still are places on earth where death can result by questioning religious doctrine that revere others as less, or insignificant, and worthy of abuses. There is a paradigm change underway and we must support this change in our everyday lives, as it leads towards greater healing for all.

Please take 5 minutes of your day to release what was once thought to be true and in its place, visualize a free world, where love is the real currency, and we (humanity) have evolved beyond using fear as a mechanism to take power. When we embrace faith, we dissolve fear, when we dissolve fear, we see each other with fresh eyes and new beginnings, wherein the past becomes the past instead of recreating fear. (FAITH= Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing, FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. Faith dissolves fear.) See you at 9 your time!