Monday, November 17, 2014

Exactly How Does Prayer & Meditation Work?

What does it mean to pray or to meditate? What does it do for / to our 'selves' when we -make- time to pray or meditate? Simply, it focuses our individual 'intentions' towards the life we are living, extending love, compassion and a vision of being healed to our friends and families, our communities, our country, our world, and all that is life on Earth. It is an exercise in 'F.A.I.T.H.', Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing'.
Prayers come from our heart-space when we aren't attached to agendas rooted in fear, anger or a need to control. Any intention from the heart that is authentic, pure in it's vibration, carries a potent wavelength that nothing can corrupt. When we let go of attachment to specific outcomes, we surrender that which we cannot control to a Higher Self or Power (Intelligence), that will bless you with your desires and beyond. Have you ever wished for something and forgot about it, and then it manifests and it is even better than what you asked for or desired? Chances are that you have had this experience more than once in your life. 

Miracles are born of authentic intention freed from the attachment of 'how'. To pray is to tell the 'god of your heart' what it is that you desire to be healed, resolved, surrendered, forgiven. To meditate is to listen to what you / the god of your heart wants to transmit to your conscious awareness. To meditate is to allow your inner self to communicate with the 'you that is busy with external life'. Prayer and meditation quiets the mind and soothes the soul. Prayer is for talking to the god of your heart, your intention towards the Universe, and meditation is for listening, integrating, allowing mindfulness in the present moment. When you are in the present moment, you are at your most powerful.
Allow your 'self' to have a healing. To have a quiet moment (or two or three) to just be. Meditation can be had in so many forms, doing art, playing or listening to music, folding laundry, washing dishes, road trips. Being still is how your body and being have a chance to catch up to one another and to allow and create space for subtle healing that transcends our ego-limitations.. 
Pray for your 'self' to become stronger in having faith, developing a spiritual vocabulary that when used, shifts your frequency so that the energy around you becomes positive towards your world vision. 
5 minutes a day to stop and give pause to add energy to a vision of a healed and peaceful planet. It can be done, don't let the news leave you feeling disempowered. Now is not the time to be fearful, but courageous! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

FAITH is an Energy (Available to us at all times, in every situation.)

We are living in times where our faith in the effectiveness of prayer can feel challenged and, perhaps even futile. But it is the very bain of of our existence that creates this dilemma. The cure is the realization that 'we' individually and collectively are more powerful than we have ever been lead to believe. With new spiritual movements coming to fruition every day, collectively we are learning that is there is more than meets the eye.
I ask this time, that you go into your interior and 'ask your self' if you are keeping the faith- do you believe that focused prayer and meditation are working? We cannot be reliant on evidence, as what we see in our reality is already in past time because in order to see it, it has already happened.

What has happened is what we see as evidence of our beliefs in the past. The potent potential of faith (as an energy that can transmute anything) is to realize that in the present moment is where we are most powerful. Faith is an investment of belief that 'we' can create a better 'now' in the future. (FAITH = Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing and dissolves FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real.)
Please join in on a 5 minute prayer (at 9a and or 9p your time) for the world and ALL of its inhabitants, giving deeply felt gratitude from your heart space to Earth as she continues to support all that we are. Send a focused vision of a miracle of the girls abducted in Africa (and anywhere else,) and are liberated and reconnected to their families immediately. So it is and so shall it be.
I thank you and am grateful for -all- of you. Please invite your friends to join this group if you feel they would like to be a part of this divine mission of love and miracles.

***This is my recent post from my Facebook page: Global Prayer & Meditation for Natural & Unnatural Disasters, feel free to explore this link and join! 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Power of Love is Within You

In the season of religious high holidays, springing new growth in nature, longer sun-filled days, the epoch of renewal each year to begin anew, humanity is blessed to separate in a deliberate way, from the past.
Today, I ask you to 'ask your self' in what area in your life are you ready to renew? What is your intention towards- yourself? Is it to be more self-nurturing, or loving, or willing to allow change? Change is what helps us navigate into the future we believe will come true. What do you really want to manifest as your present experience? What do you believe CAN come true?
What you believe can come true, is a mixture of conscious awareness and subconsciousness intention. Subconsciousness is where our ego-personality cannot control results, but represents our held beliefs that come from unspoken programming, from our culture, our parents, what we assume is real based on a collective agreement. One way to access this information is to 'ask your self' and then be still and allow these feelings to surface. You can empower by listing to the feelings within.
We all want peace, but do we all believe peace can be attained? We (collectively) have been trained to think that if we can't see it, it isn't true. Now, (quantum) scientists are saying that because we can't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We are in an era of awakening. These awakenings are liberating us from prior history where we agreed war, suffering, poverty, disease are the terms and conditions of life. But do we need to keep recreating the past in order to feel safe and avoid change?
Start within your 'self' and entertain pictures, images of a world that is healed, that the need for fear and creating pain is no longer needed. We have been blessed with free-will. Use your five minutes a day to intend love, light, peace for the world, to include you- and the planet. Keep it simple, make it lovely, and remember to do this at least once a day. Access your heart-center, allow feelings of goodwill to well-up within and then, feel the joy of your energy accessing the global image attached to this post, and see the energy travel, instinctively going where it is needed. Just let it go. Check in with yourself and remember what is in the news today doesn't have to become the news tomorrow. Break the cycle of pain, drama and distress by contributing frequencies of love, a healed past and a new beautiful beginning.
May the time of renewal bless you with peace in your heart, peace of mind, while letting the past become the past.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Accessing the Collective Consciousness

Stepping back from all of the news stories, all of the twittering about this and that, the assorted trending story-lines about what celebrity said what to whom and then punched a photo-papp, then what we are fed as 'real news', and then the actual news, is only an endless stream of distraction that can keep us separated from hearing what is within our own hearts. Or, on the contrary, we learn to escape inwardly, and refocus on our immediate lives and tune out the constant drone of bad news.. but still the energy of burden is in the back-drop. So what do we do?
We can remember that 'we' are a collective of individual minds and hearts that each have (God-given) 'free-will'. 'We' can develop an 'intentional awareness' knowing that, we can choose to work with spirit-energy and, through increasing the energy of faith (Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing) we can become of focused force of Good Intentions that in effect, can manifest spontaneous miracles.
Before we can do this in a potent and unflinching way, we first have to understand and believe we ARE powerful with our thoughts. Our thoughts are energy, and our energy is a signal that influences our environment. We at this time, believe that we only influence our immediate lives, but then there is collective energy that will attract based on frequency alone. This can be extremely positive or it can be extremely dangerous.
Humans are reaching a stage where we are realizing that everything is 'frequency' and when 'we' collectively better understand to the extent to which this influences ALL of reality, bad news will lose it's grip on our societies and we will be able to better see / sense who is not well mentally, we will be able to extent compassion without feeling as though we are losing our own core, and be aware on a larger scale without needing to hear it through a (profiteering) media company who only wants to gain ratings and huge corporate profits.
Now that we are firmly planted in the Information Age buffered by Technology, we can feel intimidated by the never-closing floodgates heaving endless amounts of sensational MIS-information along with the Empowering useful information. The next age to follow this era (which happening now) is the 'Intuition Age', where we begin separate out the false information from the Real Information- instinctively.
We have it built into our souls to go within, center, ground and hear Truth. Truth is always validated when you are in an authentic space of mindfulness. (Not ego-mind.) This is where western dogma has misdirected our spirituality into aligning with false information in a (man-made) petri dish designed to capitalize on our fear and ignorance around our own power that rests within. (Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real) Faith (Focused Authentic Intention Towards Healing) dissolves fear, dissolved fear releases new awareness of Truth. Authentic Truth enlightens.
Today, I ask that you simply choose to listen to your heart, understand & realize all sorts of chaos is going on, and that individually we are not responsible for all of the worlds troubles, but collectively we are. We (you, me, collectively) can take just five minutes a day to simply intend from your heart space. Separate from your distractions long enough, that you can simply say 'Hello' to the world from your heart, and send an image of a healed and balanced planet that is loved and supported, where all life forms are respected and honored, as a precious source of diversity that enriches and blesses us all.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Did You Know?

Just this morning I caught a negative judgement-thought piggy-backed on an idea that I was thinking about - and it was subtle, but not all parts of my brain were fully uploaded since it was still b.c. (b.c. = Before Coffee) and I caught it, as it was already lowering my self-worth vibration. It was a good catch, since I live and breathe by wanting to be mindful and positively empowered, so as to be consistent on my path as a healer & teacher.

I am writing about this because I am truly intrigued by the power that is within (each) of us to change the world, once we realize this power collectively. In this same dialogue, people become afraid because of the idea of what can happen when 'we' (collectively) are seduced into mass agreement that could lead to genocide. The idea is that we can be hypnotized if we are -unaware- and/or provoked by fear, and lack enlightened self-perception. Yet in these (more self-aware) times, we are becoming aware our own interiority where we are more personally aware of our own internal moral compass that prohibits entertaining such caustic ideas, as we now know this can be damaging. (And, yes, there are those to whom still uphold toxic-hateful beliefs.) But here's the rub, this 'frequency' can only gain momentum if 'we' (collectively) agree to it. Hatefulness has a very short and abrupt frequency or bandwidth that cannot be sustained for any length of time on its own. Love is the true essence of this planet, and therefore can expand, extend and heal through all physicality in all time.

It's in the news everyday that some form of oppression is trying to be exerted over categories of people, nations, regions.. but as we (collectively) hear these stories, more often than not, we think, "this isn't right" or, "I hope someone or something does something about it." This very (individual) thought within is a frequency that goes out into the world. Consequently, so does it when we think a negative self-judgment. (Think Law of Attraction.) You get what you think- "Where thoughts goes, energy flows."

We are beings with bodies, which means, we are beings that emit a frequency from a physical place influencing physical reality. No one can ever be so perfect and never have a negative thought again-- as we are human and we go 'there' for a reason. The key to healing these negative thoughts is to know what to do when you 'catch one'! You can always bring Light to shadow and illumine the issue and then choose to heal.

When you catch a negative self-judgment, say 'hello' to it, as though you are just wanting to see it, and explore where it came from, or simply, to just replace it with a kinder, more loving self-declaration. We CAN heal, and we can improve our internal state of affairs, simply by adjusting our inner climate and exercising our own free will. Invite the Light into your life in a way that feels authentic and real, nested in your heart. When you can adapt your awareness to originating from your heart-space, then negative thinking loses its voltage and Love will lead, creating miracles in your life as well as those to whom you intend. ~Namaste~