Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The (Guaranteed) Shift, a Sobering Truth

For a millennium, the confluence of western religions has shut down the most vital aspects of energetic self-awareness, the ability to go within without needing external permissions from a male dominated (misogynistic) driven culture where his-story systematically excludes (and programs future generations) while depreciating her-story. This has caused a malignant antipathy that can and will destroy all Life, as we know it on this planet if we allow this form of male domination lead. We (humanity) are systematically destroying the planet. Why? Because, we all have been sold on the ‘benefits that come with convenience.’  Modern-day marketing specialists as well as ivy league psychologists all of the back through his-story to noted religious leaders, popes and royalty, knew that by creating ‘convenience’ leveraged with severe manufactured fear-based consequences, leads society into a chronic state of apathy when there are no healthful counter balances that allows us to develop any (true) meaning as to why we exist, therefore we submit fearing severe consequences in the afterlife. 

We have become addicted to food, drugs, medications / pharmaceuticals, toxic TV, petro-products and on, in an attempt to distance ourselves from believing that we are powerful unto OURSELVES. To be responsible is to be response-abled. Thus how we have been managing society has become a fractured power struggle rather than a shared collective intrigue that envisions a healthy co-existence with our own living (loving) planet and all of its precious biodiversity.

Whole portions of the Bible / other holy scriptures are intended to serve as guidelines have where significant (and balancing) perspectives are missing, because they were intentionally edited (manipulated) to convenience the few that assigned themselves the role of regulating society and the future. Therefore our sense of personal power as spirits with bodies is grossly underdeveloped through lacking awareness of what is within, resting dormant. Their (past time religious/political leaders) selfish motives and the consequences are playing out now as an unbalanced toxic culture where denial is the only form of defense for those who would take us backwards in time! As a result, we have become a culture of cross-addicted mindless automatons that live to eat, to consume oil, to mindlessly discard away plastics and other toxins, to allow masses of other people to starve while we are eating a Big Mac in our oil guzzling SUV's while smoking a cigarettes. (Using broad strokes here..)

While the above seems so grim, so heavy in its density in realizing humanity’s current scoreboard, there is room for hope. Some of us are beginning to make the needed choices to redirect energy, by choosing healthful lifestyles, becoming conscious of what is in our food and including where it comes from, making time for prayer and meditation, becoming conscious in many new ways. BUT what we must do is learn to recognize and commit wholeheartedly towards letting go of our addictions, to see through conspiracy. Conspiracy only engages the ideology that ‘we are in agreement to give power to others’ who are unseen or in fact, clearly seen. Instead, we can reinvest this very same energy into actions that TAKE BACK POWER, giving energy only to that which creates and does not dilute and destroy personal power. 

The powers-that-be are quickly losing cohesion. This is why we are witnessing so many infrastructures failing. This is the beginning of ‘The Shift.’ This is our chance to take back what was hidden, stolen and manipulated. Complete knowledge of our energetic anatomy that parallels our physiology. When we can own our 'selves', we can develop healthy and functional boundaries, we do not need to or see the need control others.

The major global banks are failing because literally we cannot afford to continue as we have, for so long with virtual ledgers that will never balance. Our physical bodies are showing the consequences of man-made products installed into our foods and toxic insoluble byproducts deliberately dumped and seeping into our ecosystems. We have reached 'critical mass'. Everyday new shocking numbers of disorders, cancers, autism and virulent deadly bacterias are destroying everything we hold so dear- life and purpose, witnessing God’s beauty (as in the God of your heart), and being able to distinguish and know what is real and what is not.

We as a species on this planet cannot continue to be so highly addicted to things that cannot be reclaimed into the planets ecosystem through natural (normal) assimilation. If we do not comply, we will be destroyed before the planet allows itself to be destroyed. 

Next Installment: Hope, Light, and what we must do together to engage Her-story, so that Our-story can be realized.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Where Are We Headed?

Do any of you remember thinking "What's really is the deal with the date 11-11-11? What we do know is this, the Mayans and the Aztecs left some stone-carved record that we (Modern Society) have attempted to grasp, yet we cannot t r u l y know what it is until after the fact. I read this-n-that in order to gain a more solid fix on what to expect, yet this felt inconclusive since predicting the future cannot really be done in a literal minute-by-minute breakdown. As I have come to learn after decades of reading tarot and while also being an armchair Quantum Activist, the future is in a state of 'quantum flux' (only a potential) and the future we end up with in the 'present' is the future we 'agree upon as being true' collectively. By virtue of this agreement, we collapse the quantum field into a reality we need to have in order to resolve the global karma, the agreement that we need to improve, evolve, and create.

After sifting through articles in the past few years, reading a few books and surfing the Internet, I decided to sit in meditation and see what would filter through while in a deeper state of highly focused centeredness. In this state 'I get information.' What came through was not exactly what I anticipated but did make sense. Therefore I choose to share this with the hope that you will be 'enlightened' or better, empowered, or both!

While in meditation I sometimes get a thought-stream, where it is as though a channel is coming through and uploading this information and hearing it as it streams in, similar to when your are streaming music on your computer. This is what I heard;

     "The date 11-11-11 marked the Official Closure of the Previous Millennium, where the vibration was slower, and intended to bring human civilization to a point wherein to recognize the need for higher mind and the continuance of this process is in view." "The vibration that comes through the passage of time, gravity and space, literally, is the cellular vibration for which we oscillate. The prior millennium was at one rate, wherein the new millennium vibration is at a higher, more rapid rate. (Think of megahertz in your computer, except within your bio-electric energy signature. If your heart is beating, you have a electrical measurement output and this is why your heart can be measured by and EKG.)

     "This new vibration is congruent with our technical advancements and in so doing we are distilling and recognizing how we 'create' as in how the Universe creates. Modern technology and the many mechanisms, technical advances is revealing how we are put together as we continue to make new discoveries. Biomimicry is becoming a more consistent means through which engineers (all kinds) are exploring to create new technologies, as noted in newer understandings of how life creates itself in nature."

     "The old millennium was about religious affiliation and through these means, determined who could advance and who could not in the earlier 'tribal times'. We needed religion (the politics of God) to create a form for comprehending what spirituality is for while organizing the larger masses, as being spirits in body. (The essence of God.)" In the earliest days of civilization, our DNA was limited and programmed for "Do Not Ask", which meant that humans had to go to patriarchal sources for spiritual approval rather than trust their own ability to distill and hear their own spiritual guidance/communication from within, and trusting that as a genuine source of God-source communication. NOW the DNA is being transitioned through these higher oscillations and are releasing more 'codes' as it is within our DNA being released, now DNA is vibrating as "Divining Natural Answers." 

     "The New Age Movement is the beginning of this information integrating itself through our bodies and through our consciousness. The date 11-11-11 marks the official closure of the Old Millennium and the beginning of the New Millennium."

So, after I came out of that meditation, I realized that we are witnessing the profound upheaval of the old energies that are transforming, transmuting, and transitioning and is serving as the foundation in setting the tone for the 'current millennium' now officially underway. Millenniums are 1000 years at a time. The first millennium began 0-999, the next 1000 to 1999 and now 2000 to 2999. The official beginning was 11-11-2011 because of the numerology involved in setting the 'vibration'. The first 10 years of a millennium is to coalesce outgoing energies while new energies are being gestated. If the Universe is operating like the gears and springs in a clock, then the massive celestial bodies that are orbiting, and moving through All Time and Dimensions are in fact engaged in creating a cohesive expressions of it self, through us. Biblically speaking, if we are created in Gods image, then perhaps we are evolving in order to in some future day, evolve beyond our current comprehension. In other words, we are far from 'Done.'

Where do we go from here? (Assuming you might ask this..) If we look at all of the challenges to our current leadership, our current state of (global) economic affairs and then countries where severe upheaval is underway, we are being forced to reorient to the changes that are needed in order to Eve-volve. Prior religious leaders (Popes & males) who dominated the recent millennium through colonizing/gentrifying and then mass propagation used (IMHO) emotional blackmail, coercion, extortion, war and horrific acts torture to gain a foothold in the collective mind, managed to hold this energy but now is in a mass state of entropy because it was not in affinity with the planetary frequency. In essence we are grossly unbalanced and also, have become an metastasising cancer that is destructive and caustic to the idea that Earth unto itself, is a Living Organism, worthy of respect.

The emergence of the Feminine is needed to balance humanities continued existence on Earth. We cannot rip into the planet and strip it of its resources if it is to continue to live. We must embrace the 'green movement' where penalties for polluting are severe and those who would intentionally propagate delivery of toxins into our environments should be forced to deal with severe repercussions.

We are witnessing the breakdown of systems that have been and are becoming evermore antiquated in their operations, such as economics, suppressive or oppressive governments are quickly learning that might is not right, that annihilation of disfavored populations is not how to bring about balance and stability.

I'll stop here for the moment. However, I will continue this 'channel' as it comes in and clarity is revealed.

If you read this far, you deserve a medal!


Friday, January 13, 2012

"It's The Thought That Counts"

We have all heard this saying "It's The Thought That Counts", and likely we heard it when someone nearby was attempting to lessen the sting of an unplanned disappointment. Usually an gesture to please another, to follow-through with an inspired gift, or good intention that was met with less than expected joy. The idea is that in that moment we needed to hear some form of reassurance from another who witnessed this disappointment or who would have been the recipient, the reminder is that it was the THOUGHT behind the action that deserves positive acknowledgment. Nevertheless, this experience becomes an opportunity to heal from where we create expectation. This helps us to measure how to manage our effort in the future. Thoughts DO count! Becoming aware of where we create from, is part of the journey towards our personal enlightenment.

When I am reading tarot cards, or providing a Professional Clairvoyant Reading / Healings, I tell everyone that the future simply has NOT happened yet. Therefore the future can only be a potential and the moment is NOW to -consciously- create the future you truly desire to create or manifest. With more direct (conscious) intention, we develop the wherewithal to be more specific. The problem is that we have trouble putting the past in proper perspective. The past is important to be able to remember in order to be able to PREVENT making the same mistakes, the life lessons that refine our experience of 'Spiritual Self-Esteem'. Yet, we tend to go too far and allow what happened in the past to 'set a precedent' (impose belief limitations) for what can happen in the future. This is where we get into trouble! We learn from the past to 'recreate' the future that is in affinity with our 'authentic intention.'

Our thoughts have an energy frequency and when our emotions-- consciously or unconsciously-- are in the mix, are driving our thoughts. It is the energy of these emotions that creates in the future. It is the 'intention' behind your thoughts that carry through to others or into your own unfolding reality. Every moment is a new opportunity to create. So, if you are consciously residing in the past all of the time, then you will keep recreating the past!

The idea is learn to break from the energy of the previous days or situations, in a way that brings your sense of 'now' into the present. We tend to stick to the past because it seems safer, or easier, or familiar. We mistakenly use the past as a frame of reference for what can happen in the future, then we are surprised when the past repeats itself. Yet, we are confronted when change asserts itself too. Usually something deeper within or unconsciously, has decided to allow change in order to resolve boredom. These unconscious thoughts are the ones that can manifest unwanted crisis, or even self-sabotage.

We can embrace change and in so doing, we allow the 'Universe' to manifest what we truly desire within our hearts to come forth. How do we do this? We have to let go of our attachments to what is familiar for the sake of it being familiar even if it means letting go of toxic relationships, situations that inhibit or block you from creating the life you truly desire.

Your thoughts are pieces of you that you can send on missions that can come from a positive intention or a negative space. The idea is to promote from your heart what feels right and if your heart is confused, or you don't know what you need, that is where I can help by looking over the energies as they are around you, either using tarot cards or clairvoyant readings. Any means of Divining is a means to discover what your subconscious is doing, in essence, when 'you' are not looking.

Meditation is an EXCELLENT way to become aware of your unconscious self while learning to develop a 'centered' relationship with your 'soul' or your energetic self. The form of meditation that I teach is delivered through a guided series where I reach you the simple tools to heal your life. This meditation when practiced, becomes a normal reference to recognize 'where your energy is' and how to 'call it back into the present' through little or no effort.

You can find me easily on Facebook, or respond to my email or to this blog.

Wishing you the best in a  powerful New Year!